Chapter 1: Bully

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My alarm echoed through my room, causing me to groan. I hate Monday morning and I hate this place called school. Slamming my large hand on my alarm, I rolled out of bed...more like fell out of bed.

It's 8 A.M.
This hell I'm in
Seems I've crossed the line again
For being nothing more than who I am

After taking a shower, it was eight a.m. In a rush, I threw on a long sleeved baseball shirt and black ripped jeans on, before spraying a shit tonne of deodorant on. Quickly, I grasped the books I needed for the day, stuffing them forcefully into my bag. Throwing my black rucksack over my shoulder, I sprinted downstairs and straight out the front door.

So break my bones
And throw your stones
We all know that life ain't fair
But there is more of us
We're everywhere  

At a fast-walking pace, I rushed to school; my head hanging low. As I hear the irritating bell, signalling that homeroom had started. Sighing, I slowly strolled to homeroom. The corridors were quiet, like usual. Entering the classroom, all attention had turned on me: most of the girls were bickering rumours about me and the jocks were throwing crumpled up paper balls at me.

"Mister Jones, why are you late again?" Mister Matthews asked, casually wandering over to me. I needed to make up a lie. It was better than getting a stupid fucking detention for just being me.

"My sister called about y dad. The conversation took longer than anticipated." I lied, moving towards my seat at the back of the room. A hand placed itself upon my bruised shoulder, causing me to flinch and halt in my tracks. Darren, the star quarterback shoved me to the ground. Sighing, I stood up and sat down in my seat, slouching back.

We don't have to take this
Back against the wall
We don't have to take this
We can end it all

After the notifications were read out, the bell rang causing everyone to groan. Homeroom was the only place where literal fun existed. Everyone sprinted out, hoping to ditch their classes. However, Mister Matthews held me behind.

"Hades, I know you too well to believe that your older sister called you." He spoke with sorrow lacing his voice. It's true... she hasn't visited me in ten years, not since she went to college out of state; not even on Dad's funeral. Even though she sent letters and gifts, it wasn't the same. All of us weren't the same after Dad's death; mom came to the funeral with her new husband, Damien, whilst my sister didn't turn up. I was alone.

Mom attempted to convince me to come with her to Chicago. After arguing for minutes, she disowned me, saying that I was an accident. That hurt the most. I was sure that my big sister stopped by Dad's grave, as I saw the black roses.

All you'll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely
Push him to the dirt
'Til the words don't hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You're a bully

Since Mister Matthews had a class, I left to go to the back of the quiet place. I don't have a class, giving me a free period. Good! Shoving my hands into my pockets, I wandered out the back doors of the grand building, strolling around the back of the school.

"Hey orphan!" I heard one of my bullies, Jonathan, yell with a hint of joy within his voice. Ignoring him, I continued to saunter with my head low, passing him. A rough hand clutched my shoulder, yanking me backwards. Pushing me to the ground, he laughed. Groaning quietly, I stumbled up.


A low growl emitted from my throat, causing them to laugh menacingly. They stalked forwards, a smirk dancing upon their faces.

Think it through
You can't undo
Whenever I see black and blue
I feel the past
I share the bruise

With everyone
Who's come and gone
My head is clear
My voice is strong
Now I'm right here to right the wrong

Jonathan's cronies, Mitchell and Steven, held my lanky arms as Jonathan repeatedly punched me in my stomach. Holding an emotionless expression, I glanced at their attempted to torture me. It was utter torture but I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of my pain.

"Hey! Leave the kid alone!" A male voice demanded, causing the cronies to unhand me. Colliding with the concrete ground, my face smashed down as blood flowed from my nose. Groaning in agony, I rolled over on to my bony back. Squinting my eyes, I saw two silhouettes; a male and a female. The female had long flowing hair which glowed an illuminating blood red colour, a black fedora and her attire was pitch-black. On the other hand, the male had a tussle of chocolate brown hair, short stubble poked out on his chin, piercing green eyes and his attire was an officer's suit.

We don't have to take this
Back against the wall
We don't have to take this
We can end it all

"Xavier, he's blacking out. He needs a hospital." The woman spoke to the man, Xavier, in a worried tone. Trying to sit up, a crimson oozing liquid stained my hands. My side was punctured. A sigh escaped his lips.

All you'll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely
Push him to the dirt
'Til the words don't hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You're a bully

"Hey bitch!" Jonathan's voice rung out. The two protectors stood up, glaring at the five bullies; Jonathan, Mitchell, Steven, Connor and Caden. From the angle I was at, the seemed unphased by their simple pathetic insult.

It's 8 A.M.!
The Hell I'm in!
Your voice is strong!
Now right the wrong!

The five teenage douche-bags charged at the two adults, oblivious that I was crawling to stand up. The two people fought back with ease and grace. The fight was intense and, to be honest, a bit nerve racking.

All you'll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully.
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely.
Push him to the dirt
'Til the words don't hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You're a bully

Jonathan silently slipped behind the woman, raising a steel pocket knife up. Pushing the woman out the way, I felt numb. A quiet chuckle escaped his lips as he drew the knife out agonisingly slow. Fear grew in my eyes; everything became a blur, time dragged on. Jonathan's face held an approving smile as I collapsed on to the floor. Coughing, my blood spilt to the gravel.

All you'll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely
Push him to the dirt
'Til the words don't hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You're a bully


The woman came to my side, placing her hands on my right side. Blood seeped through her fingers as her breathing became heavy. Her mouth moved but I heard nothing. Buzzing filled my ears all of a sudden.

"Repeat, I need medics at the West Cincinnati High School. A student has been stabbed. I need an ambulance asap!" She ordered. I couldn't tell if she was worried or not. Her black fedora was a mask. The bloke, I think was called Xavier, handcuffed the five teens before rushing over to his partner. Forcing my eyes to keep open, I saw a few tears on the woman's cheeks. My vision became blurred as everyone became silent again. 

"Hades!" The woman screamed as darkness clouded over me, her voice continuously echoed in my mind. Somehow, her voice is familiar. Like I heard it before.

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