Chapter 5: Panel Time

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Pax West, a place where meeting youtubers becomes a reality. For those who don't know what Pax is, it's basically a massive gaming convention where gaming companies go and let people play their games and stuff like that. They also have guest panels, such as Dead By Daylight, and youtubers go there.

As we left the hotel, we got laminated passes for Pax. My nerves were on a high since I was potentially meeting some of my favourite youtubers. Out the corner of my eye, I noticed that Tyler was wearing a twitch beanie (I found weird since I never knew she was a streamer). She had her arm linked around Xavier's arm. He was standing to close to her, it was bugging me a lot.

Weaving in and out of the crowd of excited fans and gamers, I managed to keep up with the two fast paced people in front of me. Peering over their shoulders, I noticed a sign for one of the theatres...wait, we're going to a panel?

Upon entering the theatre, we took seats on the front row of the place. My jaw dropped at the amazing sight in front of me. I was truly at my first panel and it was starting to amazing me to no extent! Above on the wall was a sign, a very large sign. That's when everything dropped.

"We're at a Dem Salty Boys panel?" I asked, a bit too excited as I see a few heads turn in my direction. Their expressions were like I was crazy or stupid or both...I'm not.

Both, Tyler and Xavier, stood up and began to walk off somewhere. This couldn't be happening! They were going to miss the start of the panel. I remained in silence as I eyed the door, waiting for those two to appear from it, only to say "Hey, sorry Hades. We just needed snacks". Oh, how wrong I was.

I was still waiting for them to come back after minutes of waiting. The bright lights began to dim as I heard the door slam shut. Funky music began to play as a familiar voice began to introduce himself and what would be happening on the panel. Wade, otherwise known as Lordminion777. The moody and low atmosphere began to pick up with the lights, revealing the group of youtubers themselves at the table. Everyone, including myself of course, cheered as the men waved at their adoring fans.

"Hey guys -" Wade began to do his intro in order to rally up everyone for the panel. However, that ended when the other three began to snicker and chuckle.

"It's Wade!" The three yelled before bursting into laughter, breaking Wade's well known introduction. The audience quickly laughed along either in amusement or just because everyone else was doing it.

"Welcome to our panel. Second one we've done together." Wade continued, playfully glaring at the three, "As you may know, I'm Wade a.k.a. Lordminion777." He smiled at everyone. In the group, Wade was the eldest and sort of like a father figure to the others.

"PatrckStatic here!" Pat chirped gleefully as he stood up all of a sudden, causing the chair to topple over. A few snickers echoed around the venue whilst some people laughed quite loudly. He quickly picked up the chair and sat back down. Patrck was the second eldest and the very destructive and saltiest man of the group.

"Pineapple Party!" JP randomly yelled, earning a silent scolding from Wade. He continued with introducing himself, "I'm JPw03." Jp, the youngest of the group, was the most innocent. If you could call him innocent, many would argue that his inappropriate jokes which just randomly come out.

"I'm Garuku Bluemoon." Gar introduced himself. Gar was the third eldest of the group and known for his amazing gaming skills. Mainly known as hacking practically every single game in the entire multiverse.

"We have some guests who are going to be joining us." As soon as Gar said that, everyone went almost silent. A few whispers here and there, "We've got some friends of ours, who have travelled all the way from Ohio to be here with us, away from their jobs as awesome people." A dramatic  drum roll echoed throughout the theatre, "Please welcome the 4 Triggered Crew, Tyler and Xavier!" Two figures emerged from back stage and took their places next to one another, next to Pat. Tyler and fricking way! I never knew my enigmatic sister and her stupid boyfriend were youtubers but then again, I never knew that they were detectives.

"Hey fellow humans." Both of they chirped as the crowd began to roar with cheers, screams and squeals. The group laughs as well as me and the two people next to me.

Well, this is going to be fun.

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