Chapter 4: A new life, hopefully.

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He hugs me which took me by surprise.

"So, do you like the place?" He asks me.

"Yeah. It's great." I reply.

I look around and see paintings of all sorts.

A drop of blood falls on the ground.

Only I hear it but it is heard.

I look at my arm to see that it is wet.

I knew I should have bandaged it...
I think to myself.

I step on the blood drop but it splatters even more.

"I-I need to go." I tell him.

"Want me to walk you out?" He asks.

"No I just need to leave." I say with a saddened voice.

"Wait." He says as he looks at his hand and the ground.

I look back and start running.

He chases me and he finally grabs me.

"I know what you are going to do to yourself! Please don't." He says.

He walks me to his house and we go into the bathroom.

He grabs a bandage wrap and wraps my arm.

"No more of this. Please." He says to me.

"Ok.... fine" I say to him.

Of course I was lying but i wanted to make him happy.

I sit on his couch.

He sits next to me.

"There is something I would like to show you.." he says to me while looking in my eyes.

I have a confused look on my face.

He looks at me and kisses me.

It was a small one. Nothing too passionate.

I don't say a word. I just stare into space.

Time feels like it stops. I feel warm inside.

"T-that felt....." I say without finishing.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist." He says while blushing.

"Amazing." I say to finish my sentence.

He looks up from his blanket and sighs. A happy sigh.

"I don't want to leave. Can i stay?" I ask.

"Im going to move next month actually. You can come if you want." he says.

He walks me home and I fall asleep right as i get to my bed.

Was that a good chapter? I thought it was a good ending.

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