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I stand there while Charli stares at me sympathetically at me.

"What caused you to do this? Was it HIM?!" She says while looking as though she is going to kill me.

"No! It was.. them." I say while giving her the look.

"Aaah ok. I'll have a word with them," she says in a devious tone. Chase looks confused as these code words are said.

Chase eyes light up for a second and I notice it. "What do you have planned?" I asks. "I just thought of the best idea! You should meet my old friend Tynan! Let me call him, one sec," Chase practically squeals.

He goes into another room and both me and Charli try to listen to him.
All they hear is, " should co-...........see you soo-.......mhm.............. yup......three O'clock, got it.....yup the mall.."

I am bandaging my arm when Chase comes back. Chase looks away while Charli nods once at him in affirmation.

I put on a black hoodie and look at Chase. "So when we leavin?" I asks.

"Now, if you want to," he responds with.

I look at charli, "you wanna come?"

"Only if I'm not intruding heh, " she says.

"Always so selfless. Tsk tsk tsk" I say while smirking.

We all walk to the car and sit in our seats. "Y'all ready?" Chase asks.

"Yup!" We say in unison.

Hey floofs! I'm back for good! I'll be doing a chapter or two every day and if i miss one, please message me with hate haha. Anyways, who is this new Tynan person you ask? One of you messaged me about a character and there ya go! Go check out LemonMemeWriter! They're a great writer and asked to be in the book! Lemon, next chapter there will be more of Tynan. I'm tired and its really late when I'm writing this. Anyways, stay floofy! ~~ Cupid

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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