Chapter 22

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Accepting myself in whole had changed me. It changed the bond, confusing it, though not sating its lust. It still wanted me with Collin and didn't loosen, though it was less agonizing to be so close to him. The Valefar part of me quickly honed in on something I'd never noticed before. My gaze jerked towards Collin. I could smell it all around him.

Salivating, I swallowed, and walked toward him. There was a scent in the air that reminded me of something delicious.

"What is that?" I asked realizing it was emanating from Collin. Looking into his face I asked, "Why do you smell like that?" I sniffed the air again, swallowing the salvia that was pouring into my mouth, awakening my hunger.

Mildly alarmed, he leaned away from me. "Smell like what?"

"You smell delicious." Embarrassed, I thought about it for a moment, slowly realizing what was happening. My mouth was watering like my mother was cooking my favorite meal and I hadn't eaten all day. The yeasty scent of fresh bread filled my head, accompanied by the aroma of my mom's roast turkey that was always perfectly cooked, crispy on the outside and juicy within. The cinnamon scent filled me last, reminding me of the apple pies that she only made during the holidays, and that I craved year round. I drew in a long slow breath, letting the scents fill my body and savoring them before I realized what it was. It was the expression on his face that snapped me out of it. I lost my daydream, but the scents still lingered and were strong. It was coming from him. But why? As I looked at Collin, horror poured into me, as I understood what was happening—recognizing what the Valefar blood had awakened.

I covered my mouth in horror, stepping away from him. Revulsion poured into my mouth like vomit. Turning sharply, I walked away and threw myself into a chair. I shut my eyes tightly trying to banish the sensation—the smell. But it wouldn't subside. It clung to Collin like he was food. Oh God. What was this? What did I do?

My voice was muffled by the pillows, but I knew he heard me. "You smell like food. Why do you smell like food?" I asked already knowing the answer. I felt the rant start to pour forth before I could stop it. "Oh God! It's because I can smell you—your soul." I shot upright in the chair, watching Collin across the dimly lit room. "You have a soul! Don't deny it, I can smell it. It smells like everything that I'd ever enjoyed eating all wrapped together." My brain started piecing things together. "You said I smelled new. You can smell us? Valefar can smell Martis blood. That's how you hunt us. But... that isn't what I smell on you." I sniffed the air again, and looked him in the eye knowing he could not lie to me. I would hear it through the bond. "I smell your soul. How do you have a soul, Collin?"

Collin leaned back onto his desk, looking at the shaggy carpet. "I don't have a soul Ivy. It's not what you're sensing." His eyes lingered on the carpet, as he tried to hide his shame and failed.

Why wouldn't he look at me? What made him feel like that? It was bad enough he smelled like a delicacy and I felt like I was starving. What else would have that scent - the intoxicating smell of a human soul? What else would make a new Valefar react like this? It had to be a soul, but he didn't have one. So what did I smell?

"Oh God." My throat constricted as I uttered the words. Pulse pounding in my ears, I felt sick. The blood drained from my face, as ice slid into my stomach. I'd risen slowly, and stepped away from him, horrified. I knew exactly what it was. My cheeks pinched as my vision blurred with tears. I wanted to run, to run away from him and never look back. Instead my voice rasped, "That's what it is, isn't it? The remnants of your victims. How could you?" Shaking, I swallowed hard not wanting him to say what I already knew. The scent that lingered on him was the residual essence of those he'd killed, clinging to his flesh. I sucked my lips into my mouth biting down, swallowing bile before it could escape.

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