12 of December, 2017-potential partner

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WARNING: this contains mild swearing, boyxboy and mentions of discrimination against the LGBTQIA+.

Not yet edited.

The moment his hands had connected and the first loud slap echoed unflinchingly through the room, Arthur Mayton knew he was in deep shit.

The new guy was one that you could instantly tell not to mess with, one your instincts told you to avoid. No one had challenged him thus far, and Arthur had not planned to be the first.

His broad shoulders, rippling muscle structure and overall attitude literally screamed 'I'm dangerous!' and Arthur had just openly mocked him.

Deep, deep shit.

He hadn't meant to. Ever since he came out, he had been forced to a permanent spot on the bench when it came to PE (who said homaphobia wasn't dead?). It was only natural that he come up with ways to amuse himself. His little clapping thing had been going on for what felt like forever, and it was a becoming a hard habit to break. He had noticed that, but he hadn't tried particularly hard to break his habit of clapping whenever there was a point or goal scored, no matter what team had made the point, no matter who had messed up a throw and lost a point for their efforts.

The teams were playing volleyball today, and the new guy had used too much force for his serve, causing the ball to land out, giving the other team a point. The new guy was glaring at him now, and-where's coach? The door to the gym was slowly closing, and Arthur could pretty readily assume that the coach had just left the gym.


The new guy walked over, his reddish blond eyebrows furrowed over dusty brown eyes. Unlike the majority of the student population, the new guy actually looked alright in the mustard yellow and puke green PE uniform. He was honestly attractive, not just in that 'whoa hot strong guy yes please' way, but also in a way where you could sit there for hours, documenting the freckles dotted over his arms.

His eyes were quickly too close for Arthurs liking. He was dreading this encounter, not in the same way he had dreaded his coming out, but yet a similar ache in his chest pounded. For all he was worried for his own wellbeing, he was also slightly curious. At least, after this, he would hopefully know his name.

"Why are you being a dick?" The question caught Arthur off guard, but he quickly recovered. "I'm- I have no malicious intentions. I just, I, ah. I just cheer whenever a point is scored. I don't root for a certain person or team, I just clap and celebrate when a point or goal is scored."

The other boy seemed surprised, and yet oddly...pleased?

"My name's Otto, nice to meet you." His outstretched hand caused Arthurs heartbeat to beat faster, and his palms to start sweating.

Did he just...?

"Oh. I-I'm Arthur." The smile Otto left him with seemed to sizzle behind his eyelids for the rest of the day.

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