30 December, 2017-she got no one

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Warnings: swearing, driving while tired?

The next few days' writing will be uploaded on the 2 or 3 of January, I won't have Internet between now and then, so.. Also, Happy New Years in advance! Yay, 2018! We're all getting closer to death! *busts open campaign *dances oh, and like, um. New year, whoop! *whoops love you guys ❤️

Claudia was sleepy.

Extremely so, she was barely even coherent. In the back of her mind she kept thinking

aha! This is what you get for deciding to keep reading. Four hours sleep who? Four hours sleep you, you fucking idiot.

Ah well.

Nothing she could do about it now. She gave her head a bit of a bang against the steering wheel, before turning on her old jeep. Claudia turned her dusty radio to highest volume, and let the intro to 'Master of Puppets' by Metallica sweep over her.

It said something about her, the fact that she didn't even feel awake even after half a Metallica album, right?

Should she care?


She was too sleepy.

It was times like this that she seriously considered just getting a partner.

At least then, they could drive her places.

The prospect of waking up next to someone warm was equally appealing.

That kind of stuff wasn't really for her though.

Nope. Not for her.

In a city not far from where she was, a boy longed to have her have him, and vice versa. But when he asked of her, all he got was 'she got no one.'

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