c o m m i t m e n t

64 10 10

you made a promise, that

you said you'll keep

but then you broke it,

and like that you leave

you said you loved me,

and said you cared.

but now your words became ashes,

and were taken by the air

you didn't put in your part,

you didn't keep your word

you came back, but i shunned you out,

you got what you deserved

you left me broken,

now all i do is pray

i thrive to find someone better

because the world takes a million turns,

you can't go back another day

you never learned one thing, 


and trust me i know,

because you do these things so consistent.


a/n- wow, thanks for all the great comments. I have received great ones and I'd just like to say thank you soooo much. Honestly, this all started out as a joke. My friends started doing poems and sending them to me and I was like you know what, I bet I could write poetry. Look where I am now, it's not big or anything but still, I never would've thought that people would actually like these. 

                                                                                                                      - melanie x

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