r e c o v e r y

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disconnected from the world,
time for myself,
i've come to realize some things,
even secrets i've kept from myself
from sad to depressed,
from happy to excited,
i now know to keep to myself,
everything i confide in
for those who say they're friends,
aren't what they say they'd be,
yet, im grateful,
for they help me discover the definition of "me"
ive learned new methods,
discovered a new technique,
that helped me today,
lead myself to my own recovery
over these past months i have been dealing with some issues even i didn't know i had. they messed me up horribly to the point where everyday would be spent of long hours of me crying. i don't know if you would call it depression, but it is in the middle of depression and anxiety. i have also become even more self conscious, more introverted, more to myself. i have learned from people that i shouldn't be so vulnerable because that might be the main reason for my anxiety attacks. there hasn't gone one day by over the course of these few months that i haven't been crying myself to sleep and having awful thoughts. now, at least, i believe i am somewhat better at controlling myself yet there still are those type of days. Thank you for patience and kindness. :)
- melanie

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