i n t e r w e b s

50 7 3

you brought us together,

and made us friends.

but sadly,

you might have to come to an end.

you made us obsessed,

and brought us unity.

all thanks to this thing called,

net neutrality.

we enjoyed the chats,

we enjoyed the games,

yet sadly,

people don't always think the same.

this thing made apps equal,

it made us not pay,

because of that,

i have these things to say.


net neutrality helps us enjoy different app for free and made us not pay. Unfortunately, the FCC doesn't like it. As you might know, the votes towards ending it are today. Therefore, this might be the last day on the internet without me having to pay. 


the thing is net neutrality.

random book of poems| ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon