Sinners and Saints

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'My siblings and I are the first vampires in history, the Originals. Three hundred years ago, we helped to build the city of New Orleans. We were happy here, a family. Recently, a coven of witches lured my brother back, using his unborn child and mate as leverage. I tried to help him, but he betrayed me to his enemy, the vampire, Marcel. Since then, I've been held prisoner by a powerful witch. My brother seeks to manipulate others to procure my release. But, I have my own plan. If this witch proves to be an enemy, I will stop her. By whatever means necessary.'

Up in Davina's attic, the small witch looks at the Original. "Tell me, why should I trust you?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Elijah stands there in the attic, his eyes and hearing focuses on her pulsing carotid artery. Skin gray and clammy, as a result of not feeding while daggered in his coffin.

"You're the one they call honorable."

He smiles faintly. "Yes, that is what they call me, and here, I followed my brother here to New Orleans to engage in a war. So, I ask you; does that sound honorable to you?"

She raises her eyebrow again, looking at him. "You don't look so well."

He smiles a little. "Well, just this morning, I only had a mystical dagger embedded in my chest, so I'd say I'm holding myself together quite well." He takes a second to pause. "Davina, I believe that you and I have the power to end a war between witches and vampires before it truly begins. I, by keeping my brother in line; you, by behaving like your true self, not some tool for Marcel or the witches."

"And why should I trust you?"

"Well, Davina. Despite the ravenous hunger, I have not tried to take your blood."

She tilts her head at him. "Why not? I'm the only one here."

"Even in my present condition. I would not, and will not feed from a child."

Davina grabs a pin from a hat and pricks her finger. Seeing the drop of blood clinging to the end of the needle, she places the drop on Elijah's lip. After a short moment, Elijah's skin returns to its normal complexion. She smiles, pleased.

Klaus stands in the kitchen of Rousseau's, pacing back and forth. When he see Sophie walk in, he grabs her shoulders, and speeds off to the mansion. He slams her into the chair in the living room. "You and I had a deal! You protect my unborn child, and Hayley, and I dismantle Marcel's army. And while I've been keeping myself busy with ensuring my end of the deal is met, you allowed Hayley to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches."

Sophie stares at him and furrows her brows. "I had nothing to do with that, I swear. Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die."

Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest. "Then who the hell were they?"

"They are a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby, when she was learning the sex of the baby."

Klaus stares at her. "What kind of vision did she have?"

"She has them all the time, they are totally open to interpretation. I'm guessing she was wrong with this one too."

"Well, how may I ask, was this specific vision interpreted?" He leaned forward.

She looks at him. "Well," she sighed "pretty much that your baby would bring death to all witches"

Klaus leans back, and smirks. "Ah, well. I grow fonder of this child by the second."

Rebekah rolls her eyes. "Sophie, look, I promised Elijah that I would protect the Mikaelson miracle baby while he tries to win your witch Davina's loyalty. Why don't you just tell me how extreme this faction is?"

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