Long Way Back From Hell

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Rebekah lies on an old mattress, her body worn out from the multiple wolf bites she received the previous night. A dripping sound could be heard from her bedside as she comes into a conscious state after being out for the last day. Her body shoots up, as she wakes up with a gasp. Her tired eyes look around the hospital, the setting seeming very familiar to her. The sound of screaming patients in agony and the bustling nurses and doctors attending to them; all dying from the Spanish Influenza can be heard. She could tell she was hallucinating, as she finally sees she's really in an abandoned hospital in New Orleans; antique hospital beds, wheelchairs and equipment left behind and forgotten. She breathes in heavily. Her eyes look around as blood drips to the blood, a man drops a bloody rag; another man sits up in bed and coughs up blood. She gasps in fear as two doctors drop another patient onto a cot and wheel him towards the morgue. She slowly rolls off the bed, as her body struggles to stand up. Though when she does, she hears a woman's laughter echoing through the corridors. "Who's there?"

When no one answers, she stumbles around, struggling to get out of the room as quickly as possible. She reaches the door and plunges through it, and outside. She stumbles forward and turns around, looking up at the building. "How the hell did I get here?" She turns back around and stumbles to the steps.

Before she can take a step forward, she gasps as a wooden bed post is shoved through her chest. She falls down and looks up at the very familiar face. "Genevieve!"

Genevieve smiles down at her, folding her hands below her stomach. "Rebekah, tell me you're not leaving already. I thought we might reminisce."

Rebekah gasps out a breath and her head falls back, unconscious.

Inside the hospital, Celeste tends to Klaus who is now shirtless, lying on a bed, tied down by restraints. He barely opens his eyes, his body too weak by Papa Tunde's blade, which has been embedded into his body.

Gathered in the cemetery, the witches say goodbye to their fallen witch friend, Sophie. Monique stands emotionless, holding a candle in her hands as she watches a man lay bricks over Sophie's grave.

Elijah speeds to the group, taking out three of the witches, leaving the man and Monique. "My siblings have been taken... where are they?"

Monique's eyes never leave the grave, as she sighs in annoyance. "You're interrupting my aunt Sophie's consecration."

Elijah's eyes look at the grave, shock written on his face. "How did this happen?"

"Aunt Sophie was a casualty of war." Monique finally looks at him, her face still void of emotion.

"Monique, I recommend you give me what I want, unless of course you'd like me to level this place and everything in it."

"That won't be necessary. I have a message for you, from Celeste." She holds her hand out, whispering a small spell.

Elijah pulls on the collar of his shirt, uncomfortable. He pulls open the top of his shirt, seeing the name Theresa appear on his chest. He looks over his body as more names start to appear, he looks at his arm, seeing the most recent, and most familiar name. Sabine.

Monique lifts her chin up a little. "To find what you're looking for, follow the path she left behind."

Rebekah groans as she lays back in the hospital bed, the wooden stake still buried in her chest. She wakes up gasping as she looks around.

Genevieve stands near a small table, humming as she makes an herbal potion.

"What the hell are you doing...you ruthless b-bitch?" Rebekah groans out.

"Poor Rebekah, you should rest. You're looking a little peaked." She walks over, her hands grips the stake and pulls it up and out of Rebekah's chest, causing the blonde vampire to cry out in pain. Genevieve holds the stake over the bowl and allows Rebekah's blood to drip into the bowl. "Of course, that's to be expected, given the impressive amount of werewolf venom in your system."

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