Always and Forever

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New Orleans

'Over the course of my long life, I have become to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And we may not choose our family, their bond can be our greatest strength, or...our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.'

An abandoned ship is left in the middle of the sea.

"What do you make of that?" A random Frenchmen asks his companion.

"No banner; no flag. Floated in out of nowhere. A miracle ship."

"Why is it just sitting out there?"

"Suppose we ought to find out."

The men finally make it to the ship and enter the ship below deck. They walk down the ladder one by one holding up lanterns for light as water drips down. They brought a few other men with them. "Where the hell is everyone?" The second Frenchmen asks.

"Deserted. Which makes everything in the hold legally forfeit. Take what suits you." He then points two coffins. "What do you make of that?" He nods his head, motioning to them. "Open it up."

The second man hesitates slightly, but soon opens the coffin to reveal a daggered Kol. He looks over the body. "What the hell?!"

Suddenly a door is swung open and the men start to get attacked and disappear, but the second Frenchman can't seem to see who's doing the attacking. He looks around seeing he's the last one left. He holds up his lantern to see who took his men.

"Hello." A soft voice says from behind him.

The man turns around with his lantern up to face Rebekah. Her face was vamped up and her veins begin to disappear, as she wipes the blood off her lips with her handkerchief. "Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey. Can I eat him, brother."

"I'd rather you didn't." Another voice speak up from the darkness.

The man spins around to face Elijah, who smiles at him slightly. "There's no need to be afraid." Elijah looks into the mans eyes. "And do exactly as I say. You will remember nothing."

The man, as if a robot, repeats those words. "I will remember nothing."

Elijah smiles again. "We've had a very long journey, wherein which, unfortunately, we lost all of our crew. Therefore, I will ask you kindly to transport our belongings to the shore."

"What kind of hell demons are you?"

"We're vampires, darling. The Original vampires: Rebekah, Elijah, our brothers Kol and Finn; may they rest in peace." Rebekah speaks from behind the man.

"Are we saving the best for last?" A thick British accent speaks from above.

"And our half-brother, Niklaus. Ignore; he's a beast."

Klaus holds the first man's dead body in his arms. His face is vamped up with blood all over his mouth and chin. He laughs slightly at Rebekah's comment, before pushing the dead body to the ground, which falls below deck behind Rebekah with a loud thud. "We fled Europe and survived the seas. Would you rather I arrive hungry on the shores of our new homeland?"

"Niklaus, your manners are, as always, without equal. Sir, would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed?"

"The French colony of Louisiana, off the shores of a town they have named New Orleans."

"Thank you so much. Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself further assistance for the luggage. My sincere apologies." Elijah brushes past the man.

The man is left to look around with his lantern to see all his men lying dead on the ground. Some against the wall, that are covered with their own blood. The walls have blood on them as well. All the men have been 'rippered'.

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