Chapter 12:

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3 1/2 months later.
"Time is flying by in less than a month we will be parents Logan!" Rory exclaimed as she finished the last minute touches to the 3rd story nursery where they had a changing table and bassinet set up and all the things they might need the first month or two. "I know Ace it's so amazing you're so amazing." He answered as he kissed her forehead. "Hey so what do you think about having the guys over? I think one last fun night would be great before Eli is born." Logan asked Rory.  "That would be great maybe Colin could bring that girl he's been seeing I'd love to meet her." Rory gushed.  "Don't get ahead of yourself Ace he's only been seeing her for 2 months let him decide when he's ready okay?" He told her and she nodded in agreement. All the guys came over and sure enough Colin had a very pretty blonde with him. "Hey guys this is Becky we've been seeing eachother for 2 months." Colin said and they all welcomed her. The night went great while they played cards and reminisced and of course all the guys drank to oblivion. Colin and Becky took the spare bedroom and Finn and robert took the couches. The next morning Rory was up first and started the coffee it was about 8 am and she heard Finns phone going off she walked in the living room just as Finn answered it sleepily. "Finn Morgan." "Excuse me... umm no I don't think so... are you sure... Oh my God ummm yes I'll be there in a few hours I'm in Hartford. Thank you." He hung up looking lost and dumb founded. "Finn are you okay?" Rory asked him concerned. "I'm a father." He said plainly. "What?! When did this happen with who?" Rory asked surprised. "Do you remember Karen I briefly dated her a little over a year ago she didn't like my drinking and scandalous ways so she dumped me when I told her I thought she could change me. It was right after you and Logan got back together she didn't want to change me she wanted me to change myself." He said with sadness in his voice. "Yes I remember her I liked her, so that was her on the phone?" She asked. "No, that was a child protective service caseworker from New York City apparently my twins are 5 months old and their mother just passed away she had a blood clot from the delivery the doctor didn't catch it umm they have to do a DNA test once I get there to make sure but I'm on the twins birth certificate and I'm listed as their father and I guess she had some legal paperwork set up for me to be the first to contact." Finn was rambling now.  "What's going on?" Logan asked as he walked into the living room. By this point Finn was in tears and so Rory filled him in. "Hey mate why don't me and Rory drive you to New York and help you out while you try to figure out the whole single dad thing?" Logan asked Finn. "If you guys are sure." Finn replied tears rolling down his face.

3 hours later pulling into the parking lot of the social service office in New York. "I'm so nervous." Finn said. "Its okay Finn we're with you." Rory said. "Hello I'm Finn Morgan I just talked to an Amanda Lewis about 3 1/2 hours ago." Finn said. "Yes Mr. Morgan right this way we need to take your DNA first your friends can wait in this room right here." The lady replied. "Mr. Morgan hello so glad to meet you." A lady walked in and said as she shook Finns hand. "Mrs. Lewis thank you how long until you get my dna results back I already know I'm the father and I would like to take my children home as soon as possible." Finn blurted out. "Well when I talked to you this morning you didn't seem to know about them how are you so sure now?" She asked. "Well the timing is right and she was to wonderful of a woman to cheat on me ma'am." He said tears filling his eyes again. "Okay Mr. Morgan so here's the thing we will have your DNA test back in 24 hours and we will send the babies home with you but you will have to have a suitable house with everything you need for the children within two weeks I will give you contact information on the  caseworker in Hartford that's been assigned to your case." She stated.

"Are you ready to meet your children? Amanda asked. "Yes I am." Finn answered. "Okay here they are," she said as she walked in with another lady with two perfect babies. "This is 'Abbigail Louise Morgan' and this is 'Joseph Bryan Morgan' these are your children."
"Oh sweet Jesus they are perfect." Finn exclaimed.
"Finn they're gorgeous," Rory exclaimed as she bent over in pain "UMM OH MY GOD!!! MY WATER JUST BROKE!" "WHAT, ACE ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Logan yelled out.

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