Chapter 13: Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

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Chapter 13: Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

After the elimination, we all walked together back to the cabins to get some rest before the last completion.

"Poor Zoey, she really deserved to make it to the finale," said Cameron.

"But then I wouldn't get to beat your sorry butt before I take home the million." Lightning said, tripping Cameron. "Sha-win!"

"Or maybe me take the million bucks home?" I smirked. We bickered about it as we walked off away from Cam.

"This isn't over! I may be a little delicate, but I still got what you athletic types refer to as game." Cam said.

"Yeah?" Lightning said. "Check this game!" He lifted a big log above his head. "Lightning's got it in the sha-bang!"

"Perhaps, but not if the final challenges of an intellectual nature," Cameron said and I scoffed.

"As if! Total Drama finales are always physical." Lightning said. "Hope you like juice, because I'm gonna crush you like a grape!" He laughed then walked away.

I stayed back and gave Cameron a hand, helping him to his feet.

"He's got a point. There's no way it's an intellectual challenge," I said. "It's always been physical in some situation. Good luck out there. You and I both'll need it."

"But aren't you two friends?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, but this is the big game." I said. "We're on our own separate ways. Never get between him and major competitions. I'm on my own just as much as you are."

"Then I wish you good luck," said Cam, looking over my shoulder where Lightning had gone. I smiled at him and walked off, trying to get as much sleep as I can before the challenge.

I heard a loud trumpet sound the next morning. I scampered out of bed and threw on my clothes before running outside the cabin right where Lightning and Cameron were.

Two interns were sounding a horn while Chris was being dragged by Chef in a cart wearing Ancient Roman clothes.

"All hail mighty McLean!" Chris said.

"Hail McLean?" Cameron said. "What's with the ancient Roman garb?"

"You'll see," said Chris. "Slave! Bring me my mystic seeing glass!"

An intern pulled a large TV in front of us, blowing him a raspberry.

"Hey!" Chris said. "You know what? In Ancient Rome, blowing a raspberry was a show of respect."

"No it wasn't," said Cameron.

"Any who, as a reward for making it all the way to the finale, you each get thirty seconds to speak to a loved one back home." Chris said.

"No way!" Cameron said excited. I was too. I get to speak to my parents? Finally!

"Mom!" Cameron said as the screen popped up with his mother just as skinny and small as he was.

"Cammy-bear! You look so different? Is that muscle tone?" His mother said.

"Indeed, it is!" Cameron said. "I haven't puked due to exercise in weeks!"

"That's great, honey, but I have bad news. Your refined air costs so much. If you don't win the million, we'll have to deflate your bubble." His mother said.

"Seriously?" Cameron said loudly in slight panic.

"Love you, Cammy-bear! Don't forget to floss! And win!" His mother finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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