Ch 4 plastics everywhere

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OLIVIA's pov

I made my way for the assembly hall and sat at the back so I can go on my phone for the full damn hour. People start flooding and I see Sophie and I tell her to sit next to me. As the assembly starts, he goes through the basic rules but there was one question that standed out,
" everyone must join a group for extra credits."the headmaster said in a very groggy tone. So me being me I put my hand up and I pm waving from the back frantically. He points at me and I stand up I start making my way to the front,
" Okay lets be real here first of all since when was joining some kind of possey group thing earn you credits. Like wth!" After I said my statement, people were sniggering and
Recording our conversation.
" I'm not done and two what if your too lazy to be in a club and I'm socially awkward or even hates the way they look cuz of the plastics. By plastics I mean cheerleader *cough*." I pointed at them over there sitting next to each other." I think I have proven my point judge!" I said walking away as I receive applause. I sit in my seat proud of what I said.

After assembly

Me and Sophie walk out of the hall trying to get to our dorm but something blocking my way. Oh it Britney! I just walked past cuz I ain't got no time for her. I walked into my dorm and wait straight of my set. I put on my headphones and started singing"stand by me" and playing the piano.
I kept playing: G em C D G. I noticed that I heard clapping from the back and it was Shawn.
" You saw nothing now go!" I said on the top of my voice. I just pushed him out of the room and sat at the door. " you were a slut and a whore anyway!" He yelled.

" Olive I'm sorry... I didn't know it would hurt you." He said in sad tone. As he said it, he started relaxing at the other side of the door.

"Well it did just go please knock next time..." my voice cracked as I was speaking. I didn't know I was crying the whole time.Why I'm I crying? I just want my mum but she's gone...

" just go please.." I said opening the door and pointing away. He was going to speak but I close the door on him. .I..I always liked Shawn but of course he was dating a cheerleader and I wasn't one just a rule breaker.

At the moment I felt like singing and screaming, i decided to sing "say something"
" Say something I'm given up on you
I'll be the person that you want me to and I be given up on you
We learn to figure BUT YOU THREW IT ALL AWAY.
Say something I'm given up on you
And everywhere I would have followed you too.. say something I'm given up on you...."

I just wanted to scream and shout," I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT ME... WHY CANT I BE DIFFERENT BUT NO IM NOT. I AND OLIVIA MITCHELL AND I DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING YOU SAY CUZ IM NOT A CHEERLEADER! I'm me.." I said smashing pictures and throwing books everywhere. I noticed I started a crowd around my door and the only person that came in was Jonathan my brother. I ran up to him and he hug me and up my head in his chest.

" I hate myself so much. I wanna go somewhere else." I said meaning every single word. We started to clean up and I noticed I smash our picture together so i decided to pick it up and put it back. After cleaning the room, we left and exited my dorm and went to his. I noticed people were staring at us because if you don't know Jonathan 2 years older than me. So him rapping his hand around my neck and finally we're here at his dorm. I just ran to sit on his bed and scream into the pillow! I decided to sit at the table and write a song about how I feel. I called it out loud( by gabbie hanna has my queen slay) I look up and notice Johnny was looking at me,
" why were you crying olive" he said resting his arm on my shoulder. I look up at him and then just looked back down,
" basically I was singing than Shawn came in the room and started clapping. I told him to get out to go. I just wanted my mum at the time and she was there to here me sing or knock. I like Shawn but he's dating a Cheerleader and I'm no cheerleader..." I said in a shallow tone. I looked out the window and saw a stage and looked at him and nodded to see if we can go and if nodded back.
We ran out the room with us holding hands but my song sheet still in my hand.As we we're running down the hall, I noticed the someone was chasing us with a few other people. As we went outside, I ran to the stage but I needed a boost so Jonathan gave me a piggy back ride.
" Hello, I am going to be your entertainment for the night." I yelled getting people's attention, I noticed Shawn was in the crowd so was Alex and his agin.
"As you can see I am on my brothers back cuz I'm too small and lazy." I said people started laughing 😂.
" I am going to be signing a song I wrote 5 minutes ago after me break down I hope you like it." I said with a wide smile and plus I'm still not getting off Jonathan's back.

" I still taste your presence one sweet but it Turn sour
It's a same we couldn't fight for this but it's not your thought " I said signing from my heart still on Jonathan's back.
wish I could show you how
But your just a ghost now..." I said jumping of Jonathan's back and walking to the cheerleader stand.
"I wanna feel your heart beat but it doesn't beat for me no more
It's time to let you go
You left me alone
Your dragging me down
Your burning me out I'm begging for silent but I can't get you back now
Can you tell me where we went wrong at least tell just to move on!" I sang as I saw Jonathan through me a pen and I crossed out cheerleader and put plastics.
" say what you mean out loud...." I said silently. I walked up to Shawn and said,
"Drowning in silence when your lost in the croud and every sweet things you never speak and I hate you Shawn please leave me alone and go to your girlfriend and never I mean ever speak to me again. You know how I feel about them words and you say it you jerk." I said flipping him off but singing at the same time. I dropped the mic and ran from the people that were chasing me.

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