Nearly Caught Out

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Merlin's POV

My hands slipped around his waist and I pulled him closer to me. We shared a long and passionate kiss and I slowly started to introduce my tongue. He tugged at my hair and I moaned in to the kiss. Arthur started to unbutton my top just as the door creaked open. I looked down at my shirt and with a flash of gold, it was done up again. 

Stood in the doorway was Leon. He looked confused and finally spoke. "Arthur. Merlin." An awkward glance happened between Arthur and I and we both replied "Leon." The knight even more confused, asked "Is everything alright my lord?" Arthur stepped in and responded "It's perfectly fine. We are... Merlin tell Leon what we're doing." I looked at Arthur, rolled my eyes as he had left me to explain and I thought of some nonsense. "We're... I'm teaching him poetry." Leon sniggered "Poetry?" Arthur, slightly muddled answered " poetry." I decided to be a bit cheeky and make a bit of an innuendo. "I was as surprised as you are, he can't get enough of it." Sir Leon, absolutely baffled by this whole experience said "I'll leave you to your poetry, then, my lord." He turned away and we both let out a sigh of relief.

Arthur's POV

I turn to Merlin, who's shirt had been done up. He must have done it when I wasn't looking. I burst out laughing, "Poetry, that's the best you could come up with?" Merlin, slightly embarrassed, responds "What did you want me to say?" I smile and mutter "I don't know. Something that didn't make me sound like a love struck girl." Merlin chuckled and pulled me close, I could feel his breath on my cheek and he whispered "But you are a love struck girl." I responded "Merlin, I may be love struck but last time I checked I wasn't a girl." Merlin looked down in the direction of my genitals and spoke. "Maybe I should check for you." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room and we ran towards the abandoned tower.

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