Accepting Me

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I'm halfway to my car before I heard him curse behind me and heavy footsteps gaining on me.

"Leave me alone, Nate."

"I don't care, sis."

His words weren't what made me turn around to face him.

It was the thick, raw emotion attached to them as he spoke.

I hesitantly met his wide gaze and gasped when I saw what looked like moisture in his gray eyes.

Oh, Nate...

"I can't stand that you've faced this alone, Tessie. I'm your big brother. I'm supposed to protect you, fuck... I should have seen it. I knew something was up with you the past few years, the way you shied away from family dinners and conveniently had plans whenever I visited your college. I should have forced you to tell me. But I didn't."

"Nate, I didn't even accept it for myself until today. You couldn't have known." Taking my hand in his, he just barely shakes his head.

"I should have."

The broken look in his eyes hurt my heart and stepping closer, I folded myself into his arms, curling my hands around his strong, broad shoulders. Shoulders strong enough to carry me, if needed.

"I don't care if your attracted to girls, sis. You're my sister. You'll always be my sister. And I love you, alright?"

Nodding against his neck, I mumble against his shirt, now damp with tears I hadn't realized I'd shed.

I'd never cried so much in my life.

"I love you, too."

I guessed coming out would do that to me.

"Tell me if anybody gives you a hard time about this. I'll end them."

It didn't matter that he was a lawyer and he'd never dream of breaking the laws he'd worked so hard to uphold.

If it came down to it, he would protect me.

I knew that in my heart and I loved him for it.

"I know."

The front door opening from behind us parted us and chills slid up my spine when I saw my dad blocking the doorway, same cold, emotionless eyes staring back at me.

"Dad I-"

"Not a word, Tessa."

"Don't fucking talk to her like that."

Nate's booming voice startles me as he steps in front of me and I'm suddenly wishing I could disappear.

"Don't get involved in this, Nathan."

"How can I not? She's still your daughter, Dad."

"Not until she seeks forgiveness, she's not!"

I begun to shake at the sound of his cold voice, speaking about me as if I wasn't even there.

He hated me. 

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