Final Chapter

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"Oto-san! Watch this!" A little blondie haired boy said as he show his quirk.

"Oh not bad there little brat. Someday you will become like me,"
Bakugou praise to his son as he patted his head.
"If I become like dad I'd rather follow uncle Deku cause his not hot headed like you," another boy said. But this time he had a brown hair like her mother and those piercing eyes red eyes like her father.

"What did you say little brat!"
He yelled to his second son.
"You heard old man! Or you're turning deaf?!"
The little boy yelled back.
"What the fuck did you say pipsquick!"

Uraraka sighted as she entered their home.
'Why does this two don't just be good at each other?!' She asked to herself.

"I'm home," Uraraka yield making the three boys look at the only woman in their family.

"Mom!" The twins shouted excitedly approaching their mother Bakugou was fuming tailing behind them.

"Calm down please I'm not going anywhere," she said smiling at the boys.

"Are you feeling better now, Mom?" The brown head whispered to Uraraka's ear.
The twins waiting for her answer.
Shushing she whispered back.
"Yeah I'm fine," and giggled.

"Oi what are you whispering their?" Bakugou asked behind them.

Uraraka startled in surprise making her jump away from them.

"Ah ahahaha nothing," she said scratching her neck.

Bakugou look at her curiously.

"You become jumpy now a days care to explain Angel face?" He asked.
"Ahh no nothing it's just that you I'm just becoming sensetive," she answered.

Raising his brow he just shrug it and continued to eat his spicy crackers.

A comfortable silence surround them Bakugou sitting on the couch eating while Uraraka was leaning beside him she too eating the spicy crackers.

When it was disturb by the two running while yelling at each other.
"Just give it to me damn it!"
"No,I will going to asked them!"

"You blondie! Fucking come back here!" The brown head shouted at the now running blondie rushing to his dad.

"Tou-san!" Gaining his fathers attention Bakugou look at him his crackers hanging in his mouth.

"What is this?!"
Revealing a white stick with a two red lines drawn in it.

The crackers fall from his mouth eyes widen in shock.

"Uraraka," he called.
"Yes?" She responded her eyes still glued in the television.

"How months?" He asked making Uraraka look at him eyes widen in shock.

"W-w-w-what do you mean?!" She suddenly yield.

Grabbing the white stick from his son's hands he hand it to her.

Uraraka sighted.
"Ara,ara I think the surprise will be delayed," she said.
"The heck?!" Bakugou yelled.

Uraraka nervously smiled and giggled.
"Don't worry I was two months pregnant with a twins," she answered.

When he heard twin it seems to echo in his mind.

'Twins twins twins twins'

"What?! Again?!" He shouted angrily.
"Well don't blame me it's you're fault by the way!"


Thanks for the readers who read this I appreciate who voted and commented.

I really appreciate it!

Then please wait for my upcoming stories.

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