Finding The Right Project To Start

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Here is the full cover, as some of it was cut off. JuneTheGlassesBeaer was nice enough to make this for me, in only a day too! I don't own this artwork if it wasn't obvious. But dang if I don't love it! Just look at them! Error bending down as Shears jumps into his arms, both looking so in love! AHHHH~! I can't stop smiling and laughing! I am fangirling so hard right now...I think I need help but at the same time, this is what drives me! Let's get this chapter started people! Here's to making it a long one!

It's also a little joke based on the title of the chapter. The artwork above is the project, symbolizing the story pretty much. This book is my 'project' - more like my pride and joy along with the others, love all my stories no matter what - and I know it is the right one to start!

The reason Error has so many different string stitching on his clothing is because of the title. I thought it fit in a way.

-Start Chapter-

Error stepped into the weird-almost-kinda-but-really-Anti-VOID AU with a box in his arms two days later. After rushing to destroy the needed AU's - and luckily not running into Ink or anyone else that would fight him over the needed destruction - Error had then cleaned himself off, making sure that no blood or dust was on him, and then went to the Anti-VOID to grab a few things as well as stealing a few items to share with Shears.

After careful observations and deep thinking on it, Error finally was confidante to say that he might understand what a friend does. Protecting his friend was a given; Error protects what is his not matter what. But from what he could gather, friends did things together - things that both liked - and showed them things they liked. Because killing, maiming, and other more violent things were off the table - it was therapeutic depending on what or who he was killing or hurting. Hitting Ink was so therapeutic, it was like he was spitting in Fate's face even if he knew it will only end badly for him. It always does, Fate is not on his side. - as Shears seemed the more peaceful type, Error figured he could just grab some things that he liked and see how it all went down.

When in doubt; Wing it.

Glancing around, Error frowned in confusion once he saw that something was different. On the ground, there were now flowers. White silk like flowers smaller then his hand, not real ones. They didn't hold the same smell as real ones, and Error has made flowers before out of cloth and his strings before, so he knows what they are like. Following the flowers, he saw that they were arranged like a road, a pathway.

With a shrug, Error noticed that the floor was now white like everything else. Or, at least, the pathway was white in the middle from were the flowers lined it. Strings and some threads were on the other sides of the flowers, piled up as if someone was coming and taking piles of it or putting them into groups for whatever reason, but it wasn't as much as last time. In fact, Error had thought that the threads had made up the floor, that the threads and strings were the floor itself, as there were so much of it. Turns out he was wrong, the floor was the same cold hard white that the Anti-VOID sports. This AU was turning out more and more like his.

After a while, he was lead to where white was slowly overtaking everything and where there were mountains and piles of strings, threads and yarn that were slowly growing in size. The white was only slowly over taking everything as he was watching Shears pick up piles of it and take it and place it with the others, making the piles into small mountains. Seems like Shears had started cleaning up the place. Why? Error had no idea.

"shEaRS." Error called out in greeting, walking into the...clearing he guesses it could be called.

"Error!" Shears gave a gasp in surprise, turning and stopping his cleaning as he dropped the pile of yarn in his arms from his excitement. "You've arrived! So early too, I haven't had time to finish tidying up!" Even if that should have sounded slightly scolding, all Shears sounded was overjoyed.

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