Jealous Green Fabrics

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I do not own the picture, JuneTheGlassesBearer made this! String Stitches!Error(Flaw) and Shears look so good. And Shears is so tiny compared to Error, it's adorable. This Ship is my OTP and life, no one can say any different! Someone had asked me in my inbox what would Shears make Error to wear, and if Error would wear it. I had asked JuneTheGlassesBearer the question so that I could pass it on, as I can only state that Error would wear anything Shears would make with pride. They told me that Shears would make Error a yukata. So, here is Error - where he is holding hands with Shears - in a male yukata. The one in the corner makes Error look like a ninja as it is not a yukata - which I love! Flaw/Error in Naruto, he would take all the abused children and missing-nin under his wing, making the villages and ninja's so paranoid!

Anyway, I will be using what Error is wearing - where he is holding Shears's hand - in this chapter. Just to give everyone a visual. So, when I say Error is wearing a yukata, he is wearing the one in the picture above.

I just made this ship this month, not even a week ago, and it already has a ship name! DoubleStrings! Here's hoping that many other names come alive and that this ship goes down in history. I ship DoubleStrings (ErrorxShears) too much to even think on stopping this crazy train now!

I also came up with a new nickname for this Error in the story. It used to be Threads, but to me it didn't really fit. It didn't go with the others nicknames, nor is this threadverse - made and owned by JuneTheGlassesBearer - so I wanted to come up with something that went with the others. 

Blue Strings of Mercy!Error is Static. Twisted!Error is Glitchy. HWHBB!Error is Erratum. String Stitches!Error is Flaw from now on. The reason I call him Flaw is because he knows he is full of flaws. Shears also has flaws and both are missing pieces and have open spaces to be filled - that are going to be filled in by one another.

I also came up with a nickname for Become Mine And Mine Alone(BMAMA)!Error. His nickname is Delusion. This is for many reasons. Many, many reasons.

The reasons for these nicknames are for me to be able to keep track of them all when I talk about them all. Calling them all Error would be confusing at best, down right headache inducing at worst. It also takes less time this way as I don't have to put the titles with it all, so that everyone can know which Error I am talking about.

On to the chapter! I am filled with MOTIVATION and IMAGINATION!

-Chapter Start-

"thIS ONE iS EcHOtaLE." Error waved his hand, making a portal move to come close to him and Shears, showing a very tall Sans that had cracks on his skull much like Gaster had. "tHE saNS aND GastER fusED togEthER IN tHE 'EcHO' AU'S."

They have been at this for three days. Error showing Shears all the worlds and AU's through his portals. Only pausing to sew and knit together, Error to play some music, or for Shears to sleep. As Error didn't need to sleep, he would either leave the AU to visit others - give the Charas some dolls or checking in on Nightmare's gang - as he had the time for now and come back just after Shears wakes up or just before. It was a nice change for Error, who was used to the endless screaming and destroying. Made him wish he had overdone the destroying before so that he could take a break like this years ago. Thinking on it, Ink would have done something drastic if he did it too many times. Best to think on this option later on to see if it was something he could try more then once.

Shears brightly smiled, standing as close as he could by Error, leaning on him lightly. Error had twitched and glitched, glancing down at him in confusion, but said nothing against it and went on to showing him all the different worlds that the Multiverse had to offer. In one hand, he held the Error doll, the other hand held onto Error's scarf. After realizing his feelings, all Shears wanted to do was be as close to Error as he could. Basking in the feeling of falling in love, something he honestly thought he would never be able to do.

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