Stitch Me Up Some Stuffed Hearts

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I do not own the image, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

-Chapter Start-

After a week, Error was once more walking back into TailoredTale and feeling better then ever.

For the first time in many years, Error destroyed way more then he should have. He honestly lost count after destroying over twenty AU's. They were a bunch of young AU's as well as copies, Ink would have to be in a very creative streak to tip the Balance over into his favor. Hell, the Balance isn't even tipped in Error's favor either. There are way too many AU's for that to happen unless Error destroyed hundreds of AU's if not thousands. Right now the Balance was just not close to being completely turned over - meaning that it wasn't close to being too over crowded like usual.

This should give Error a lot more free time unless Ink decides to go on and create a ton in the next few days. It would be like the vacation that Error never had because Fate was a bitch. Sure, Fate may be slightly angry that he destroyed WAY more then needed, but they can't be too angry as the Balance is not in his favor and he was just doing his job. And Error knows for sure Ink isn't happy, but at least he didn't get into a fight with the creator. Error targeted copies from AU's that had a ton of copies. It was honestly a long time coming for those copies.

Taking a step into the endless white, Error started walking to where he knew Shears would be. The pass times he had came it had been the same place, so it was the best place to look for him.

"ShEaRS? i'M BaC-" Error came to the usual spot, only to stop mid-sentence and move.

Shears was on the ground, laid out as if he had either fallen or someone pushed him, knocked out. His scissors on the ground near him as well. Error was kneeling by the smaller skeleton's side before he even knew what he was doing.

Error's instincts flared, his magic going out and searching. He had to find the threat. What if Ink or Fate finally did something, finally came to take Shears, someone who is his, away from him? No, Error wouldn't allow that. Everything roared in him, magic and SOUL pumping as he tried to find anything off about the white and threads surrounding the two of them. Eyes roamed everywhere as he leaned down to check on Shears.

He lightly lifted the other in his arm so that the smaller was sitting up, careful in case there were injuries that he didn't know about it. "ShEARS." Error lowly called out, keeping his senses alert as he looked down the fallen skeleton. Looking over the other's sleeping face, Error was slightly relived to see no injuries on his skull at least. "ShEaRS!"

Shears's eyes slowly opened, and if Error was in the right frame of mind he would have noticed that Shears's eyelights were completely normal at that moment. But Error was more concerned on more important things at the moment; Like just who the hell came into Tailoredtale and tried something on someone Error has claimed as his own. Blinking once more, Shears's eyes went back to their usual shapes and colors once he realized just who was holding him.

"O-Oh my!" Shears flushed in embarrassment. This was not how he wanted to greet his friend once he came back. "I'm so-"

"ShEaRS." Shears stilled when Error shifted so that he was leaning over him protectively, wrapping his arm around him as to keep him still. Soon, both were face to face, Error's eyes glowing with power. "WHeRE iS tHE  T H R E A T ."

"T-Threat?" Shears breathed out, not understanding. He shivered, feeling Error's magic and power, destruction, curling around him as if protecting him. "My dear Error, I don't-"

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