Chapter 5

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Ash pov

I sat on the couch, replaying the recent events of Luke hitting Michael. Such a dick. Currently Calum is with Michael, patching him up. His nose was hit pretty bad. I really hope Luke knows he's not welcome back here, who hits their band mate? Come on, One Direction don't do that to each other?

But there's a part inside of me that wishes he would come back, so I could comfort him, tell him I know it was a mistake. But was it a mistake? I keep cancelling my self out, I either want him, or don't, okay I really really want him, but I can't.

Michael and Calum came back in, Michael had a bandage on his nose, they both came and sat down on the couch next to me.

"So um how's your nose?" I said wanting to break the silence. Michael looked at me and closed his eyes, re opened and "Sore" that's all he said.

Calum stood up.

"If Luke ever shows up here I will.."
I cut him off

"If he does then we will ask him for a explanation." I stated, not wanting to hear what Calum was actually going to say.

"He punched Michael." Calum said. I placed my head in my hands,

"What about the band, you going to kick him out because he slapped Michael." I yelled jumping off the couch. Calum edged closer to me.

"He didn't slap, he punched you know that, stop sticking up for him, because you love him, he's been a dick to you and you still keep making up excuses for him." Calum said taking another seat next Michael. I just lost it, I stormed out the room and ran up the stairs, then into my bedroom. I locked the door and out my headphones and blasted some blink 182. I laid on my bed crying, Calum is right, why should I love him, he punched our band mate, I just don't want him to go.

Why would I love someone who is horrible me. It makes me love him more. I want him but I can't I can't I can't. Erghhh. I want to know the reason why he's done that. I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. My headphones must of slipped out my ears as I can really loud banging on my door, and voices shouting Luke. I climbed off my bed and trudged over to the door and places my ear to it,

"Ash please answer the door."

"Ash, I know your upset please."

"We need to tell you something."

I could just hear Calum and Michael trying to communicate to me, me not answering, ignoring everything they're were saying until once thing that they said.

"Ash, please answer, we kicked Luke out the band."


in a few chapters, it will be in Luke's pov,

I know it was short I felt like I needed to fill you guys in, next week will be a better update, because it's half term, which means no school, which means revision, :(, but which means one direction concert, which means 5sos supporting them, which means best night ever.

And if you guys have any questions, please ask me on my nd i will answer questions:) 

:D thank your for comments and votes you guys are amazing and I didn't think this story was going to work but yeah, good luck with people on the GCSE's, and ily,

Follow me on twitter @stylestradley, follow me and tweet me pizza :p ily

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