The 15th of December, Friday

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Peter has planned that the whole friend group is going ice-skating today. Himself and Tyler are renting shoes for everyone while waiting for them.

"Are you and Emma good friends again?" Peter asks and pays the woman behind the disk.

"I am not sure, actually" he admits and Peter sighs, normally the two can't be mad at each other for more than a few minutes.

"Like, I have forgiven her, but I want her to apologize for her behavior; she's making me look like a fuckboy who breaks everyone's hearts in front of Lucas." Tyler complaints and Peter groans.

"Jep; you have completely forgiven her..." he jokes and they are handed the shoes.

Emma and Lucas come walking towards them.

"Hi, guys!" Emma starts and smiles at them both. Tyler exhales in relief; she is not mad anymore. Lucas smiles warmly at him but he does not seem happy. Taylor comes from behind them, "Hello people!" she greets and they walk into the actual hall with the skating rink. Emma is so happy to see Taylor again; she hasn't forgotten about them.

"Shit! I am falling, Ty!" Lucas shouts. He is swinging his arms around; his balance is not the best.

"No you are not babe" Tyler replies chuckling sweetly and grabs his hands. Shit! They are all staring at him and giggle. He looks up at the roof and closes his eyes, why did he say that?! Lucas is blushing heavily and commands the others, only with his eyes, to carry on skating.

Tyler looks down again when he hears his friends leave. "I'm sorry. That was embarrassing" he apologizes not sure how to act. Lucas just smiles at him and moves his hands unsteadily up Tyler's jacket sleeves until they are around his neck. Both their heartbeats go up and Lucas leans in closer. Their noses stroke each other's "Well, I thought it was really cute" he whispers and Tyler leans in fully. Their lips touch. Lucas feels an overwhelming rush go through his body and smiles against Tyler's cold lips.

At the other end of the skating rink, Taylor and Emma are standing. Peter went out to get some free hot chocolates for them all – and to call his girlfriend, of course.

"Shit, they kissed," Taylor says with a huge smile; the boys look so in peace. Emma's eyes widen and she feels a warm feeling inside. Maybe they are perfect for each other?

"I didn't think Lucas would move this fast, I mean, he is still so vulnerable"

"Maybe all he needed was some love. I mean you must know how that feels now you have met Kobe, right?" Taylor asks and hits her shoulder playfully.

"Yeah you are right - as always" Emma giggles, she really missed talking to her best friend. Taylor can feel her hands getting a little sweaty as she reminds herself of something she really wants to talk to Emma about.

"Do you want to go to my house tomorrow and, I don't know, catch up a bit?" Taylor asks carefully. Emma nods and they see Peter with hot chocolates and help him carry them to a little table outside the rink. They are not going to call Tyler and Lucas over; the lovebirds can have some time for them self. Taylor hopes Emma will understand what she is going to tell her tomorrow... 

Okay so I will tell you all about Christel's girls' night tomorrow, sorry for pushing it further... 

Love, Caroline <3 

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