Chapter 11

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A/N: Here it is! At last! I hope you guys enjoy and I apologise for any feels you may experience.

As for sequels, intially I didn't want to weaken the ending- some things are better left untouched. However, I've come up with possible ideas, so if they lead somewhere I would definitely love to write a sequel. (I've also become too attached to these characters to let them go just yet).

"They should really get some better security." Darrel huffed.

"And by better you mean?"

"Any security at all." Having just waltzed into the police station without any difficulty, the two boys grinned at each other. They caught sight of the cells; one of the doors was wide open. The other, however, was still locked and its occupant was slouched at the base of the door with her face buried in her hands.

"Andie?" Darrel asked softly.

"Where's Felix?" Devin queried. If he had been able to break himself out, Felix would have made sure she got out too. So why was she still here?

The girl lifted her head, shoving matted hair from her face. She didn't dare try remove the tangles, knowing all too well her hand would get stuck. She frowned. "Why are you here?"

"We came to get you out." Darrel started picking the lock. "Wasn't too hard, they don't even have any guards posted." He cracked a smile but he couldn't help but notice how awful she looked: red eyes; her pale skin stretched thinly across her cheekbones and jaw; her hair a wild mess, the curls squashed and reaching out in all directions.

"I assume they're all a bit busy at the moment." She muttered. "Where are the others?"

"Persuading that 'Granny' lady to give them a couple rooms in exchange for a couple squirrels. Trying to at least." Devin chuckled. "They want to see what its like to sleep indoors; none of them can remember. Personally, I think it would be a bit claustrophobic- trapped by walls and a roof."

"How did you know I was here?" She switched the conversation. She'd never been too good at small talk, whether or not she realised that it wasn't by choice. It's why she got on so well with Felix.

"Someone saw you and Felix getting dragged off by that Prince Charming fellow." Darrel explained. "He trailed you, saw you go into the Police station, then came and told all of us. Hang on, I think it was William. Yeah, it was. Because he was pretty darn smug about it, saying how he never would have gotten caught like that. The idiot, you're far better at everything than him." Darrel scoffed. "I tried to tell him, there had to be a reason you were here."

"But still you came to free me?"

"We figured we might as well make sure. If you did indeed want to be here, well then you'd tell us to bugger off." Darrel watched to see if he'd get a smile from her. He did not.

"So Andie," Devin wondered. "If both you and Felix were locked up, how come he isn't here?"

Cassandra stood up, brushing the dust off her knees. "Peter took him." She said simply.

The boys looked at her, bewildered.

"He's not in the box." She elaborated. "He switched bodies with Henry. He's free."

Darrel paused for a moment, letting the information sink in. His hands then continued their work on the lock. "Two questions. Why don't you sound happy about it; and why didn't he let you out too?" He asked, perplexed. The lock clicked and he heaved the door open. They looked to Cassandra, waiting for an answer.

She stepped from the cell, a solemn look in her eyes. "Peter doesn't know who I am."


A cool breeze fluttered over Cassandra's skin as she emerged from the station. It felt wrong. As if the town itself could sense the danger looming.

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