Chapter Fourteen: When in Rome Paris Madrid Greece and Egypt?!

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As the night carried on it was about five in the morning. A bridge of humans was created with the hands of women on one side and men on the other. Yasmin and Myles walked through as some people threw rice.

Of course some of it got caught in Yasmin's hair. Outside waiting was a giant and white limousine. Yasmin giggled like a child.

"Say goodbye."

Myles said softly. Yasmin nodded and turned to her grandfather.

"I'll see you really soon."

She said softly her voice soft.

"Of course now don't worry about old nonno. Go have fun."

Sebastian said smiling walking her to Myles.

"Prendersi cura di mia nipote. Se non lo fai ti troverò."

"Take care of my granddaughter. If not, I'll find you."

Sebastian said seriously. Myles laugh and nodded.

"Sì, signore!"

"Yes, sir!"

Myles said saluting him.

"Nonno comportarsi!"

"Grandpa, behave!"

Yasmin said laughing. Myles opened the door and smacked her ass as they got in.

"See you in two weeks!"

Myles said waving. Yasmin laughed and smiled as they pulled away.

"Sorry about my grandfather. He's apart of a really big mob in Italy and can be kind of protective."

Yasmin said softly. Myles laughed.

"It's okay, he's a cool guy."

Myles said secretly already knowing her grandfather. They used to do business some ten years ago.

"Where are we headed?"

Yasmin asked.

"The birthplace of romance."

Myles said smirking.

"That is like five places!"

Yasmin said laughing.

"I know!"

Myles said kissing her hand.

"We're going to Rome?"

Yasmin asked.

"Yeah and?"

Myles asked.



Myles nodded again.

"Uhm okay, Greece?"


"Okay I'm stuck, give me a hint?"


Myles said. Yasmin screamed.

"Sorry, but seriously?"

She asked playing with her fingers.

"Yes, two weeks of great adventures, sex and experience."

Myles said winking. Yasmin giggled, this was heaven to her and all a big surprise. She couldn't believe she was Rome bound. The closest she had ever been to Rome was about four hours away and that was when she visited her grandparents some years ago.

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