Fallen Angel

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"Biscuit! Biscuit, you get back here!" Faith chased after her dog through the woods.

"Sausage Biscuit, you get back here right this second! I mean it." Yes, it was a silly name and she felt silly yelling it, but her little brother had named the dog. Anyone overhearing her yell 'Sausage Biscuit' probably thought she was desperate to find a McDonald's to grab some breakfast.

The tiny dachshund could sense and smell something. It followed an invisible trail with urgency, ducking under a bush and jumping over a fallen log.

It was snowing and cold. Faith had ventured into the woods to hunt, but now she just wanted to go home. "You crazy mutt!" Faith stopped dead in her tracks. The trees had broken to reveal a clearing.

And dead in the center was a man. A naked man. A blanket of snow covered his abdomen and legs.

Was he dead?

Faith approached with caution, her adrenaline going from zero to one hundred instantly. Biscuit sniffed the man's palm and licked it. Upon closer inspection, Faith stared in shock. The man had wings, gigantic, white, outstretched wings. Her first thought was it had to be a costume. Were the wings attached? She couldn't tell since he was lying on his back. The feathers looked real. They glistened in the dim winter light. A few lay broken and crushed on the ground.

He resembled a fallen angel.

The thought struck her with such force she momentarily believed it.

She could see no outward sign of injury, no blood. He was tall and muscled. His long limbs were sprawled out on the ground. His skin was as pale as the freshly fallen snow that covered him and had an iridescent sheen to it, appearing to glow.

"Hello? Are you OK? ... Are you OK?" she asked again, more loudly.

No response.

In a panic, Faith dialed 911 on her cell phone.

"Please hold," said the operator.

You have to be kidding me! "I don't know what to do," she muttered under her breath. Hand trembling, Faith checked the stranger for a pulse.


But it was difficult to tell. Her own pulse was beating so rapidly, distracting her.

The longer she stared, the more she questioned what she was seeing. Could he be a real-life angel? Unable to contain her curiosity, Faith set down her phone, putting it on loudspeaker. Then with some effort, she managed to turn him onto his side. Next, she inspected his wings, running her fingers across several feathers, which had the texture of silk.

Faith gasped.

Yes, they were real. She could see where his wings attached to his body.

She was staring down at a real-life angel.

One that had fallen from Heaven and crash landed on Earth?

All the stories of angels she'd heard as a little girl in church came rushing back to her. In her opinion, angels were the superheroes of Heaven. Now she knelt beside one. She felt an initial rush of excitement, then disbelief. But she had no time to stand there gawking at him, pinching herself.

Was he dead?

His body stirred slightly and he let out a low, deep groan.

He was still alive!

"Sorry to put you on hold," said the 911 operator. "Please state your emergency."

"Um...I think I just found proof angels exist."

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