When I'm Bored, I Help God Make Clouds

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20 minutes later, Lock stood in the shower with Faith huddled close to him.

"I thought you don't own underwear?" she asked.

"I do. I just enjoy being naked."

"That's right, an angel and nudist. How can I forget?" she said while laughing, arms folded over her chest. Her eyes glanced away shyly. "Well...I love your boxers. They have little angels on them."

"Armed with bows and arrows." The boxers were his favorite, bright white with red angels stamped all over the fabric, Valentine's Day themed.

Every time she mentioned his boxers, every time her eyes mischievously glanced down to his crotch, he felt a surge of adrenaline.

Like a rocket ready for lift-off.

Like his wings had a jetpack strapped to them.

Lock shifted in the shower stall so his wide, muscled back didn't block the entire spray of water, sharing it with Faith.

"I'm sorry about my dog," Faith said in high-pitched squeaky voice, revealing her nervousness. "Taking a shower with you--this is so...I don't have a word to describe it."

"Well, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, which explains why we're both wearing clothes. I realize humans get embarrassed easily."

"Exactly. We're showering together with clothes on. This is so weird...but kinda funny, actually." She laughed. Faith had on an over-sized t-shirt and panties, a very wet t-shirt that outlined her breasts and tummy. The spray of hot water made her nipples taunt, poking against the fabric of the wet t-shirt.

Oh. My. God.

Forgive Him.

Yes, he was an angel but still just one of God's many creations and ultimately imperfect.

He couldn't help but desire her...a very human emotion.

Maybe jumping in the shower with her was a terrible idea. He thought it would be fun. They were both clothed. It was innocent.

Or was it?

Feeling himself get an erection and panicking, Lock quickly turned around and faced the wall. Faith ducked to avoid being hit by his wings. "Sorry--" he blurted. "Hey, do you think you can help me out? I have trouble reaching the spot between my wings," Lock said, thinking fast while holding out the shampoo bottle.

Nice save. Act natural.

"Oh, yeah, no problem." Faith slowly dripped the shampoo down his back between his wings.

He shifted in place and her hand accidentally grazed his ass.

The tips of her fingers felt like a hot metal poker, teasing him.

"Sorry!" she said, her voice catching in her throat.

"This shower stall wasn't built for a seven-foot angel and a human."

"I agree. The two of us barely fit, especially with your wings."

"I can put my wings away if you want."

"It's OK. I don't mind. Besides, I'm not quite finished." Faith poured more shampoo over his wings. Her fingers running across each feather felt like Heaven. Humans had no idea, but an angel's wings were incredibly sensitive to the touch.

And some humans mistakenly believed an angel had no sex organs, thus felt no desire.

Both were incorrect.

My Boyfriend Has WingsWhere stories live. Discover now