Is That What Humans Call It, a Hug?

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In a rush of excitement, Faith snatched her winter coat and threw it on over her pajamas, then dashed outside.

And there he was, waiting. In the moonlight, he was like a glowing beacon, beckoning her to him.

Faith approached slowly, her feet heavy, her knees shaking. She stopped about ten feet away, not daring to go any closer. He wore armor, ancient armor she imagined a Roman gladiator or Spartan soldier might wear. Moonlight glinted off the gold plates covering his torso, framing the strong muscles in his chest and abdomen. She imagined him being part of an army of angels, fighting for good against evil.

"Um ... hello," she managed in the tiny voice of a mouse.

He smiled. God, his smile was brilliant. But then he looked concerned. "You're shivering," he pointed out.

"I guess I must be nervous."

"Don't be. We've met before. And I've been watching over you."

"You have ... really?" her voice broke.

"Yes, Faith."

That was all the confirmation she needed. He was, in fact, her guardian angel! He had to be. She relaxed. Faith took several steps closer.

"Don't come any closer," he warned, his voice stern.

"Oh! ... " A wave of energy hit her, like a wall. It buzzed in the air and snapped at her skin, like tiny pin pricks. "What is that?"

"My energy field."

She studied him. "... You mean like the Holy Spirit?"

His laugh was easy and friendly. "Sure, just like that."

"I can definitely feel it and it's strong." Heat radiated from the angel. Faith held her palms out like she might in front of a campfire. She stopped shivering.

But she still had goosebumps.

They both stood there studying one another for a moment.

Finally, Faith had the courage to ask, "So are you really an angel?"

"Some might call me that." His voice was deep and pleasant and steady.

"A guardian angel?"

"I watched you take apart your porch. I was curious what you were doing. Then it occurred to me you had no electricity. I realized you were in trouble."

"Yes ... It was so cold. I wasn't sure what to do. I prayed and then the electricity finally came back on ... Was that you?"

The angel's grin was playful. He held out his hand and touched a string of Christmas lights that decorated the fence. Her mother had put them out years ago. They no longer worked, but no one had bothered to take them down.

Like magic, they lit up. The rainbow of lights twinkled in the cold night air.

Faith laughed. "Amazing!" She felt joyful and sad at the same time, suddenly missing her mother more than ever. His magic trick told her what she already knew. He was responsible for the electricity being turned back on.

Her guardian angel.

Overcome with emotion, Faith ran over to him.

"Faith, please don't come any closer--"

Faith threw her arms around him and hugged him. "I just knew it was you! I knew it! I've always believed in miracles."

His smiled faded.

The warm energy that pricked her skin suddenly felt ten times stronger. Her skin burned as if on fire, but she ignored it. Had she crossed an invisible line? Was it inappropriate to touch an angel, let alone hug one? Faith blushed. "I--I'm sorry. I just ..."

"Don't be, " he reassured, his easy smile returning. He examined her. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. The energy field--it's very warm but feels nice, actually. It's so cold out." Something in the back of her head told her she should back away. But she remained in place. She likely wouldn't get the chance to be face to face with an angel ever again.

The angel reached behind his back. And just like magic, he retrieved something. "Since you gave me something, I'll give you something back in return."

"Really? But what did I give you?"

"A hug."

Faith blushed from both the heat of the energy field and his presence.

His eyes twinkled. "That is what you humans call it, right, a hug?"

"Yes, that's correct." Her voice sounded tiny again.

"This will keep you safe." The angel held up a necklace. She guessed it was made of silver, but the way it glowed, it might as well be made of moonlight. Charms dangled from the bottom. They looked Celtic in design, like ancient ruins.

"What is it?"

"A present from me." The angel fastened it around her neck. She couldn't help but notice his large hands and muscled arms. Several veins ran down his thick forearms. Did he bleed red blood like a human would? So many thoughts ran through her head all at once.

"I felt so guilty about what happened ... with the police officers. I knew it was wrong to send them out there, with the monsters--whatever they were--but I panicked ... I've been having nightmares about it ever since," she admitted.

He put both hands on her shoulders. "It's alright. I took care of it."

"So no one was hurt?"

"No one."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Faith. I scared the monsters away. The police ran and didn't look back."

"What a relief!" She felt her body relax. "I was afraid I was responsible for killing someone. What were they anyway, the creatures?"

"It doesn't matter. They normally don't attack humans. You have nothing to worry about." When she didn't look convinced, he added, "They're scavengers. They can smell death from miles away, much like vultures." His brilliant smile returned. "But I'm fine now thanks to you."

Yes, but only because you drank blood.

That was the real question. Why did he need to drink blood to survive? But she wasn't brave enough to ask it. Instead she said, "So ... can I ask what your name is?" She knew of several angels mentioned in the Bible. Could he be one of them?


"... Gorlock," she repeated, cementing it to memory. She had never heard of an angel with that name.

Around them, Christmas lights twinkled, adding to the enchantment of the evening. "Did you know," he whispered, "Mother Nature puts out Christmas lights every year, and you don't need electricity to see them?" Gorlock held out his arms, hands cupped together. Faith drew closer. He slowly opened his hands and tiny insects flew out, swirling around them, blinking on and off, like tiny winged lightbulbs.

Lightning bugs (or fireflies).

They blinked just like Christmas lights, creating a dazzling light show.

Mother Nature's Christmas decorations.

Faith laughed. "So beautiful! How did you do that?"

Instead of answering, he grinned, his eyes playful.

Faith stuck out her hand and a lightning bug landed on her finger. It blinked on and off several times as if saying "Hello".

She had so many other questions. What was it like in Heaven? Did he know her parents? Could he give them a message? Was there pizza delivery in Heaven at 2 am if she got hungry during the middle of the night?

Before she got the chance to ask, a gun shot fired.

All at once, the magic of the evening turned to horror.

The angel was shot.

A second shot fired and the angel was struck again.

Faith turned. Everything seemed to be occurring in slow motion. She saw her brother, Jax, on the front porch, a rifle in his hands and a look on his face that promised death.

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