Naked, the Way God Made Us

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Her trembling hand nearly dropped the flask on the floor. A few drops of blood splattered on his chin.

"Wh-What are you?"

His deep blue eyes smiled back at her, reassuring her. Faith continued to pour the blood, all the while trying to rationalize what she was doing in her head. Perhaps human blood could save the life of an angel in an emergency. He wasn't a vampire just because he drank blood. It didn't mean anything.

He wasn't a demon.

When she finished, he smiled up at her in gratitude. She wanted to trust that smile so badly. But could she?

Faith watched over him until she left for work, locking her bedroom door behind her. The minute she arrived home, she rushed into her room. The angel had occupied her every waking thought. Concentrating at work had been impossible.

And there he sat on the edge of the bed.


Faith turned and stared at the wall.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Hearing his voice for the first time, it was deep and rough and entirely masculine.

"Um ... you're not wearing any clothes."


"So ... you're naked!"

He stood and grinned. "And why should I be ashamed? We're born naked, the way God made us." His grin turned into a smirk. "If anything, I'm proud."

Faith felt herself blush. "An angel and a nudist ... I don't know what to say. I'm just glad you're alright!" She had only stolen a quick glance but his body was immaculate.

Was everyone naked in Heaven?

The angel took several steps toward her. Startled at his naked seven-foot frame looming so close, Faith knocked the breakfast tray onto the floor.

"Oops." Faith bent down to pick it up but quickly changed her mind, afraid of accidentally glancing at his angel parts.

"Why are your eyes closed?" His chuckle was easy going. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, um, never mind. I'll clean that up later. Here put this on." Faith snatched an item of clothing off her dresser and handed it to him, one eye still closed out of modesty. She didn't have clothes that would fit him, but he could at least cover his private parts.

"A sock?" He held it up in amusement then looked down at his naked lower body. "Do you think it will fit?"

Faith felt her face flush a deep shade of red.

The image of him covering his male parts with a sock flashed in her mind.

That was not what she meant at all!

"Sorry--I meant to give you this, not a sock," she managed to say while giggling, holding out another item of clothing.

"Boxers. XL. Nice. Are these yours?"

"No...I mean maybe. OK, yes, they are. So what if I wear XL men's boxers sometimes when I'm lounging around the house. I like to be comfortable." In a million years, she never expected to be explaining her unusual style of dress to an angel from Heaven.

"No judgment. Thank you." His tone was sincere and grateful.

"I can't believe this." Her voice was on the verge of breaking. "Look at angel."

His halo cast a soft white light over his face. His eyes smiled warmly at her.

"Can I touch your wings?" she surprised herself by asking.

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