TwEnTy SiX; MeSsAgEs

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pretty lady♥️
I'm sorry i made
you worry

my singer boi💛
baby, don't be
my singer boi💛
i just wanna know 
what's up

pretty lady♥️

pretty lady♥️
I'm just having a 
tough time with 
family right now
pretty lady♥️
with people at school
pretty lady♥️
with people on
social media.
pretty lady♥️
I think I just
need a break from everything
pretty lady♥️
from my phone 
pretty lady♥️
from my family.
pretty lady♥️
i need some me time.

my singer boi💛
call me if anything
my singer boi💛
tell me everything 
that is happening over
the phone

pretty lady♥️

thats the thing jack!

pretty lady♥️

everything always has

to be over the phone 

or texting
pretty lady♥️

I just want you to always 

be with me in person

pretty lady♥️
but i don't wanna be the 

reason you are holding back 

on your dreams
pretty lady♥️
don't you dare think 
about leaving what you

are doing for me, got it?

pretty lady♥️

i'll be fine

my singer boi💛
promise ?

pretty lady♥️
I promise love

my singer boi💛
Melanie I love you 

pretty lady♥️
Jack, I love you
way more

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