Packing up

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Craig's P.O.V

  When I woke up, I realized that I slept with

my clothes on. And I can't bare the thought

Of leaving this place but mostly Tweek...

Then I heard a knock on my door, I slowly

Went and opened it. It was my mum and she

Told me she made breakfast , I just

nodded. She said not looking at me "I'm

sorry we need to Move in such short notice,

i'm sorry about having you to leave

everything behind because of our jobs. But,

sometimes people have to move on and

Go separate directions in life... so...Please

understand that honey..." I shaked my head

And closed the door behind me.

  I laid on my back hugging my pillow, not

Wanting to go to school... but when I

Thought of how I can see tweek if i went to

School. It makes me happy... so i decided

That I will go to school today. I needed to tell

Him sooner or later...

*time skipped to the day before craig is

*Still craigs p.o.v

   Tomorrow I'm gonna leave this old town

And I know im gonna miss everyone even

Tho I dont care about anyone... I already

Told Token and Clyde about me moving, but

I still haven't told Tweek yet I was so scared

But I have to tell him now! Before it's too

Late... I rushed out of the house without

saying a word and ran across the streets.

Seeing these streets makes me think about

Stupids things me Clyde, Token and Tweek

Used to do together... the memories... I

snapped out of my thoughts a I felt like

something is gently pouring in my face...

It was raining, I said to myself "What the?

Why is it raining now? Nevermind, but I

need to get there FAST!!! "

*5 Minutes of running later

   I finally got to his house, I knocked on the

Door while I was still trying to catch my

Breathe. A few moments later, Tweek's

Mum opened the door She smiled and said

"Oh, hi Craig ! I haven't seen you in a while.

Do you wanna come in?" "Hi, Mrs.Tweak...

And I would like to talk to Tweek please is

Very important..." I replied in my monotone

Voice. "TWEEK, your boyfriend is here! He

Said he wanted to talk to you!" I heard a

Small voice coming from upstairs and

slowly getting louder. Tweek was baking in

the kitchen, and i smelt the yummy goods

He has made. He came out of the kitchen,

And quite surprise that i came. Then I

dragged him out of the house and i said

"Tweek, i'm sorry but I need you to know

that I love you No matter what happens...

And my parents.. They... They..have a new

job there... so i have to move to California ..."

I started crying...


   I was speechless, I didn't know what to say.

So I just hugged tightly around my arms,

And that's when he looked at me with his

Ocean blue eyes then he puts his Soft lips

Against mine... a few seconds later we

Stopped and i started crying, he said" I'm

So sorry babe... but we will see each other

Again one day! I promise you..." we he used

His hands to wipe my tears away. That's

When I told him "I'll wait for you, We can

still make this work We will FaceTime each  

other every night, OK? Promise?" He nodded

And giving me a final kiss goodbye... After

Seeing him fading out of the distance... I

can't help but cried my eyes out as I ran

Back my room... I love much. I will

miss him...

   I Love You, Craig Tucker...

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