Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The place was covered in pink. It was EVERYWHERE! The only other countries that were there included Lily,Emil,Wang Jia. Not to forget to mention Peter,but we all know he isn't a country.....................yet.

In the background you can hear the music which was all the songs for Eurovision. Right now they were playing Poland's song We are Slavic.

Right as they got in you could spot Feliks.He was wear a pink t-shirt, a pink/purple tutu,leggings, two bows in his blonde hair, at least 5 lei's,and flip flops. He went over to the Baltics,"Hey guys! Are you going to like party or like vhat?"

He grabbed Ralvis by the hand,"I have someone you need to like meet."

Ralvis turned his head toward the Baltics with a worried expression on his face. Feliks stopped him at the couch. He gestured to Lily who was sitting on the couch," Lily this is Ralvis. Ralvis this is Lily. Okay kiddos you two have like soooo much fun!" Feliks left to go over back to Toris.

Ralvis nervously ran his fingers through his hair" Vhat do you like to do?"

"I'll do anything vith my big broder,"Lily smiled. "

"Do you like to read?"Ralvis asked sitting down on the couch next to her.

"Yes. My broder has lots of books. I can lend you some if you vant. You might not have much time at Mr.Russia's house do you?"Lily asked putting her hair behind her ear.

"I read a lot there actually. It helps me through the days. I usually can't sleep so I always read one of the books I borrow from Mr.Ivan's library,"Ralvis said.

"Have you read Robin Hood?" Lily asked.

" I'm afraid I haven't," Ralvis sighed.

"I have it with me. I just finished it now. My big broder gave it to me before he dropped me off at Felix's for him to babysit me,"Lily smiled. She looked through her bag and grabbed out a green book. It looked old. The pages were a browish tan with gold edges.

"It's beautiful Lily,but von't your broder get mad?"Ralvis asked.

"No I think he'll understand," Lily nodded.

"I just hope Ivan doesn't do anything to it,"Ralvis said tensing up.

Lily put her arm on his shoulder,"Ve could always get a new one. It's not like it vould be the end of the vorld,"

Feliks,Toris, and Eduard watched them from afar."I'm like the best matchmaker EVER!" Feliks said flipping his golden locks.

"You did a really good job Pol,"Toris smiled.

"Excuse me could you help me with becoming a country?" Peter asked pulling on Eduard's sweater.

"Not zis again! I promised Arthur you wouldn't like do this! He is so going to like sell you on eBay,"Feliks yelled.

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