Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As soon as Ralvis came home he went to the phone to call Lily.

"Hello this is Ralvis," he said.

"Oh it's so early to hear from you," Lily said excitedly from the other side.

"I just vanted to see if you gave me the right number," Ralvis chuckled.

"Vhy vould I give you ze vrong number?" Lily asked.

"I don't know, eh sorry," Ralvis answered.After they talked for a bit Ralvis hanged up.

"Oooo looks like you have a crush on Lily," Feliks teased.

"Do not!" Ralvis shouted.

"Stopped teasing him," Toris ordered.

"Fine but you can't deny it," Feliks said flipping his hair.

"Fine if I do vhat of it?" Ralvis asked.

"Then you have to ask her out obviously," Eduard answered.

"Vell how am I supposed to do that? I'm not Francis," Ralvis stated.

"I guess ve vill have to teach you. First you need a nice outfit," Feliks suggested.

The next day the gang dragged Ralvis to the mall to find a nice outfit to wear on a date.

"Vhy even bother if she says no," Ralvis complained.

"Because she von't say no," Eduard stated certainly.

"How do you know that?" Ralvis questions.

"Because Basch told us that she had like a crush on you too," Feliks admitted.

Ralvis blushed at the thought of Lily liking him back. His confidence was the highest it has ever been in his life. They entered a men/boy clothing store.

"But why does it have to be so fancy?" Ralvis moaned looking at the tuxedo Feliks was holding.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that Francis is throwing a ball. Ve thought you could take Lily," Toris confessed.

" I think you'd look like sooo cute," Feliks grinned.

He shoved Ralvis into a dressing room. A couple minutes later Ralvis showed the gang how he looked. He looked at himself through the mirror.

"Sooooo cute!" Feliks screeched.

"I think you look nice Ralvis," Toris commented.

"I think Lily will like it," Eduard smiled.

Ralvis blushed and ran his hands through his light brown hair. The light of the store brightened his blonde highlights in his hair.

"Okay ve can get it," Ralvis smiled.

Feliks grabbed the suit after Ralvis took it off and ran to the cash register to purchase the black tuxedo.

"Next step is you ask her," Eduard stated.

"Am I gonna need a corsage?" Ralvis questioned.

"This isn't a human prom," Eduard answered.

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