Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Basch answered the door as Lily got her purse together.

"Don't vorry Feliks I gave Lily money for shopping," Basch stated.

"C'mon Lily don't be shy. Ve got like ALOT of countries joining us," Feliks gestured to the car.

Feliks walked Lily to the pink car. In the car was only Toris and Eduard since the rest would meet them at the mall.

"Nice to see you Lily," Toris grinned.

"Thank you for letting me come," Lily said politely.

"Your velcome! I'm really excited to get you something really cute aren't you Toris?" Feliks asked excitedly.

Eduard chuckled," Yeah I know vhy Toris is happy."

Toris sank down in the seat and put his hand on his face," Not this again. I'm just glad that ve are going shopping so I don't have to vear that ridiculous suit."

Lily giggled," Vhat suit?"

"Feliks got him a pink suit," Eduard laughed.

" Vhy can't you do something you don't like to make me happy?" Feliks pouted.

" Feliks you know I do that all the time," Toris said stern," I do everything because I--------------because I---------."

"BECAUSE VHAT?" Feliks yelled pulling over

" Because I love you Feliks. I love you," Toris cried putting his head on the window.

"Oh Toris I love you too," Feliks grinned hugging Toris.

Lily and Eduard smiled at each other before Feliks got back on the road. They arrived at the mall. Eduard saw Sofia first who was waving at them while Natasha folded her arms and frowned. Eduard and Sofia hugged.

"Sofia it's so nice to see you," Eduard said after letting go.

"I vas surprised not to see you at my little brother's house," Sofia sighed.

"Yeah but now ve can be together," Eduard smiled.

"I'm happy about that," Sofia blushed.

"Vhat's your problem Natasha?" Feliks asked.

"Ivan is going to the ball vith Yao and not me," Natasha sulked.

"Don't vorry your very pretty, I bet another country vill dance vith you," Lily smiled.

"I highly doubt that and besides I only vant to dance vith Ivan anyways," Natasha fiercely stated,"Are ve gonna go shopping or just stand here?"

The group of six knew their manners and went into a dress shop, I mean after all ladies first. They had a large range of dresses so the whole store was rainbow.

"Oh c'mon Toris can't I at least vear a dress?" Feliks whined.

"Okay fine if it'll make you happy, but as long as I can wear a black suit," Toris agreed. Feliks started running to the dress but Toris stopped him," Vhat now?"

"I know that you'll look really pretty no matter what," Toris smiled. Feliks started crying and hugged Toris.

"I think these vould look cute on you," Sofia smiled showing Natasha a red and a navy dresses.

"The red reminds me of Yao so no," Natasha grumbled.

"Oh c'mon it'll look really good and show off your curves besides if you get a chance to dance vith Ivan you'll match. Just try it on, okay?" Sofia begged.

"Okay fine. It could also symbolize the blood that vill spill if Ivan stays vith Yao," Natasha grinned.

"You know maybe not red after all," Sofia said worriedly putting the dress back.

"Ooo I vant this one!" Lily cheered. The only problem that it was too high. She was pleased with the discovery of a cute pale pink dress, but sad by the struggle of being short.

"You need help?" Eduard asked.

"Please," Lily gestured politely. Eduard grabbed the thin strapped pale pink dress.

"Thank you Eduard," Lily grinned grabbing the dress.

"Your velcome it vas no problem," Eduard stated.

"Lucky being so tall. I got to go show the dress to Feliks," Lily yelled running off to Feliks.

"Hmmm you know I'm just gonna vear the dress I already got and you can get a suit," Feliks stated.

"Feliks vhat do you think of this?" Lily said showing him the dress.

"OMG your going to look soooooo cute!!!!!" Feliks grinned.

"Vell I have to try it on first," Lily blushed.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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