Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up the next morning about fifteen minutes before my alarm was due to go off. I decided that Tom didn’t need to come to the school with me and that I could manage on my own so I turned off my alarm and got up. Tom hadn’t set an alarm himself the night before because he knew I had one and that mine would wake him up.

So I tip-toed out into the hallway with the clothes that I had pulled out of my wardrobe the night before – a pair of grey smart trousers and a lilac blouse – and pulled the door to my bedroom on so I didn’t wake him.

I got myself ready really quickly that morning, trying to be really quiet which meant I didn’t do half the things I’d usually do like wash and dry my hair or even use the kettle as it beeped when it had boiled.

I grabbed my keys as gently as I could, making sure they jingled as little as possible before taking my bags and going out of the front door.


I got to school twenty minutes earlier than I usually would so the car park was very empty. I went in through the main entrance and made my way round to my classroom.

To get to my room you go past the library, staff room and the computer room. The lights were off in the library and the caretaker was in the staffroom fiddling with the dials on the water heater. As I walked past the computer room there was a faint light coming from inside. It wasn’t bright enough to be the main light in the room, and I came to the conclusion that somebody must be on a computer in there. I didn’t know who it could be this early but I thought I’d stick my head in to say good morning anyway.

I knocked gently on the door and opened it up to find Dani sitting on one of the computer chairs staring at the screen of the computer furthest away from the door.

‘Dani?’ I questioned, ‘what are you doing here so early?’

She practically jumped out of her seat as she turned to see me standing at the door.

‘Wow, you scared me,’ she gasped, ‘I didn’t hear you come in.’

‘I knocked first. I just wondered who was in here at this time.’

‘Yeah, well it’s just me.’

There was a moment of silence before I prompted her again to get an answer, as she wasn’t due in for over an hour yet.

‘So, what are you up to in here?’

‘Oh, it’s nothing. Just looking some things up for my little maths group and stuff like that.’

‘Oh, right. Don’t you have all of that? I mean, you supported the same year group last year with the same lessons and curriculum.’

‘Yeah, but I was just looking for some new stuff. I’m done now anyway.’

‘OK. So what are you going to do now, you’re hear early, and I mean really early. You have beaten most of the teachers here and they don’t even have to be here for about half an hour yet.’

‘I don’t know. I might just stay in here for a bit longer and look into some more things that might be useful with my group.’

‘Alright, well I’m going to the classroom so I’ll see you soon.’

‘OK, see you in a little while,’ Dani smiled and I backed out of the room and closed the door.

She was being a bit odd this morning, acting kind of secretive, I thought to myself, her children were probably playing up again. When I had Dani’s daughter in my class year, while I was doing my final year of teacher training, she was a lovely girl but didn’t sleep through the night very well still. I just shrugged it off and took my things down to my room.

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