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John POV


All three sisters had shrieked and jumped up from their seats. I had left as soon as I woke up to tell them everything that had happened.

Peggy suddenly turned and ran onto a room. She emerged a few minutes later.

"What was that for?" Eliza asked her.

"I was adding it to my list."

Oh right. She has a list of people she thinks should end up together.

I shook my head and laughed.

"So did anyone else from the royal family go in?" Angelica asked.

"No, it was just Alexander."

"So you're on first name basis now, hm?" Peggy grinned.

I felt heat rush to my cheeks as they laughed.

"He specifically told me that he preferred Alex or Alexander, that Prince Alexander was to fancy for him."

They sat there surprised. I mean, I was too. Any royal I think would want to be called by their full title.

"What was it he bought again?" Eliza spoke up.

"It was this green jacket with some brass buttons and some yellow stitching at the bottom."

"What kind of green." Angelica butted in.

"Uh, green green. Like it wasn't light but it wasn't dark."

Peggy groaned. "But specifically what shade of green was it?"

"There's more than dark green and light green?"


"Let's see." Angelica started.

"There's lime, olive, emerald, pear, sea foam, mint, sage, and a lot more."

I stared at them. Why the f*ck are there that many shades of green.

"Like I told you, it wasn't really dark, but wasn't light either."

"Do you have paper with you?" Peggy asked.

"Yes.....? Why?"

She stood up and grabbed grabbed some paints.

"Make the color and we will tell you what shade it is."


"I don't know, it kinda looks like shamrock." Eliza said.

"No, it's definitely olive." Angelica argued.

"I've got it!" Peggy snapped her fingers.

We all looked at her.

"It's pear."

Angelica and Eliza looked back at the color.

"Oh, that's makes much more sense now. Shamrock is darker, and olive is paler."

I still sat there confused. What was so important about a color anyways.

"You know," Angelica mused. "I've heard that green is Prince Alexander's favorite color. I bet that's why he picked it."

"Either that or he picked it because John designed it." Peggy added.

I turned to her.

"How did you know I was the one who made it?"

"When I went to drop off the dresses, on your desk was a sketch of a jacket that's pretty similar to the description you just gave us."

I blushed again.

"He would have just picked it because I made it. Would he?"

"I don't know. From what Hercules has told us he fancies you as much as you fancy him." Angelica stated.

"Look at him." Eliza giggled. "He's redder than a tomato!"

I stood up.

"Well, ladies, I should probably be heading back. I'll talk to you later."

They all said their goodbyes and I headed out the door.

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