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John POV

"Dude, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes to see Hercules shaking me.

"What, what is it."

"Alex is back."

All the sleepiness immediately left me as I hopped out of bed. I put on some more decent clothes and followed Hercules downstairs to see Alex looking around the shop.

He looked up when he heard us and smiled.

Good Lord that smile.

"Alex, what're you doing here? It's going to be dark soon."

"Well I figured I would get in a visit before then."

I noticed he kept periodically peeking out the windows as if he was checking for someone.

"Hey, are you ok?"

He jumps slightly and turns back around.

"What? Oh, yes, yes I'm fine."

Hercules raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Because it looks like you're watching for someone."

He turned and looked out the window. I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Alex, is something bothering you?"

He frowned. "My parents, don't, exactly know I'm here...?"

"Alex! You've just been sneaking out? That could be dangerous!"

"I know, I know, I just, thought maybe you could show me around the village since I'm never given the time? Only if it's alright for you, of course."

I ran a hand through my hair and looked out the window. We maybe had a few hours before the sun goes down. I turned and looked at Hercules and he shrugged.

I sighed and turned around, thinking.

"Well, if we're going to do this, we have to find a way to hide your wings, because if anyone sees them they'll automatically know who you are."

I turned back to Hercules. "Maybe... Go find the biggest cloak you can. We can cut off a few inches off the bottom if needed."

He nodded and left to a back room. Alex grinned and hugged me. "Thank you."

I grinned and hugged back. "You're welcome."

We stood there a moment in each other's arms when we heard a voice.

"If you two gays are done with whatever you're doing I found the cloak."

I blushed and turned around. "Don't you mean guys-"

"Did I f*cking stutter?"

Alex laughed as Hercules held the cloak up against him.

"Yeah, we'll need to cut off about two inches. It should still cover the bottom of your wings, but it won't be so long to where it drags on the ground."

He carried it over to the table and started working.

"So," Alex started, "where are we going first?"

"Um, well we could go look in some of the shops, maybe go down to the docks and see if we can see any boats-"

"We can pop into the bakery and say hi to Maria." Hercules cut in. I nodded.

"Yes, we'll say hi to her and then we can introduce you to the Schuylers. We'll probably spend the most time there. They have a giant garden, and a library."

Alex seemed to perk up at the mention of the library. Gosh, his smile is beautiful.

"Finished." Hercules brought the cloak over. "Is there a way for you to fold down your wings a bit?"

He nodded and folded them flat against his back, and Hercules draped the cloak over his shoulders.

"Well, how do I look?" Alex asked. Hercules noticed my dazed stare and nudged my arm.

"We should probably get going , shouldn't we?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, we should."

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