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John POV

We started walking to the other shops for Alex to look around. We walked into a shop where a wood carver sold the things he made. Alex was looking around and everything, and we had to remind him(quietly of course)that he had to walk because the clasp around the cloak could possibly come undone.

We took him to the bakery and he tried some sweet bread. It was kind of sad to think that he'd never eaten something like that before. Royal food must suck. As soon as we had walked in we saw Maria.

She was behind the counter and looked up when she heard the door open, grinning when she saw it was us.

"Hey boys. So what brings you here today?" Her gaze shifted to Alex. "And who's this?"

Alex looked at me with a wary face. I gave him a small smile to silently tell him it would be fine. I looked at her.

"Can you keep a secret?"

She slowly nodded, confusion etched on her face. Alex slowly undid the clasp and took the cloak off, stretching out his wings.

(Just so no one is confused as to why she didn't recognize his face, mostly everyone just pays attention to the wings, so that's what everyone immediately recognizes)

She gasps as soon as he stretches them out.

"You are friends, with the prince. This is insane." She ran around the counter over to us and stopped. "Wait, does this mean I'm friends with the prince? Or do I have to go through the whole talk for a few days ritual thing."

Alex chuckled. "We can be friends."

She fist pumped before turning her attention back to all of us. "So, what can I do for you boys?"

"Alex has never really seen the kingdom, so we thought we'd show him around. Well, I say 'we', but Herc insists he stays in our shop all day. And he can try some of your pastries."

Her eyes widened. "My pastries!"

She turned and ran into a back room. We heard some plates clanking together and a few 'huff's. She finally came back out with several trays of cookies, small cakes, and other small pastries. She set them on the counter and grabbed some icing and melted chocolates.

"Thank you so much for mentioning them, because I had totally forgotten." She whipped her wavy hair out of her face as she started decorating the pastries. She glanced up to notice Alex looking at some sweet bread.

"Do you want to try some? I don't mind."

He cautiously grabbed one and smelled it before taking a bite. ( Legit me )

"Oh my God this is amazing."

Maria laughed. "Well thank you."

We continued to talk while she finished up decorating everything. She put her things away and wiped her hands off on her apron before turning back to us.

"So," she asked, resting her chin on her hand, "you guys got any plans I can tag along to?"

"I was planning on taking him to meet the Schuylers."

Her eyes lit up. "Can I come John? Please? I haven't seen them in forever!"

I laughed. "Fine, yes you can come with us."

She grinned as I helped Alex put the cloak back on.

"Well, let's get going."

Take these broken wings✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat