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I was about to leave but after Anne had left the therapist grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me to the wall. I was confused and scared. I was invisible how could he have seen me?

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!", he demanded to know "I am here to protect my friend!" I say sounding very determined to do so. This fight went on  (and  I even used my magic so im exposed)until I found out that what I knew was all lies and the therapist actually likes children.

"I'm Jessil Oceons" , I say introducing myself.

"I am Raven" He tells me, but I hear a slight shake in his voice.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yes im fine" I reply.

He asked me a question I was not expecting.

"What are you most afraid of Jess?"

By now I already knew he couldn't be human because he saw me while I was invisible.

"Im mostly afraid of... demons and dark magic." I tell him , my voice shaking  slightly.

"Please.. don't be afraid of me..." He says to me.

"Y-you're a demon?" , I said pretty obvious I was afraid.

"I'm the demon lord" He tells me.

That made  alot of sense to me. Explains why he could see me.
Afterwards he showed me many things that he could do and I showed him what I could do even 
though I was a half mermaid and explained why I was not in the water , but suddenly he stopped and asked me another question  I was not expecting

"Have you ever had a near death experience?"

I shook. I remembered that time when I was 7. 
I sighed and looked at Raven.

"When I was 7, I was swimming with my family to a new destination but being the curious person I was I decided to climb on the land , I learnt to walk and run in a short time , but I didn't have much time to explore more because I felt that somebodywas following me and when I turned around I saw a person." 

Raven  interrupted me "It wasn't even a person it was a shadow, right? "

That shook me even more.

"How do you know that?"

Suddenly he started to pale.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"uhh , Jess there is something you need to know. Don't let it change anything between us" he says clearly sounding worried.

"But that day you almost got killed .... that was me"

My eyes widen, but he continues talking before I could say anything else.

"You where my target, and  I was meant to kill you. Then I saw something inside of you. You had that passion for fighting. fighting for life. Your passion for fighting has saved your life, Jess"

No words came out of my mouth. I was paralyzed. A chill went down my spine and finally I found my voice.

"It's okay..." I said softly. I  meant that . I wasn't lying, but my heart was pounding in my chest with surprise.

Raven looks at  my watch. "Its about time I leave now , Anne is waiting for me" he tells me

"Goodbye Raven" I say.

"Goodbye Jess" he replies.

He leaves me and I watch him go.

I felt alone once more. I started to walk slowly the opposite direction Raven go so I could go home.

When I arrived home I went into bed and I started thinking again and doubting if I should be Ravens friend or not. I was still unsure if I should be  afraid of Raven. After too much thinking I fell asleep.  I was in a deep sleep until suddenly I hear a loud  beep coming from my phone.

I wake up to check my messages. It was a message from Anne.....

Outcast Angelfish (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now