Dr Mortarez

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In the morning about 10am I woke up.
This time I certianly did sleep well. I didnt wake uo every 2 hours. I felt refreshed.
Raven was in the kitchen teaching Shirley to play a card game.

"Good morning Jess" They said together when they saw me.

They look at eachother and laugh.
"Jess , I need you to do me a small favour." Raven started.

"Sure. What do you need?" I asked.

"Well you see, Anne is at the clinic and her appointment ends in 30 minutes. Could you go pick her up for me?"

"Okay" I tell Raven, surprised he is letting me go out on my own.

"Thank you Jess" he tells me

I didnt know why he stopped being overprotective all over a sudden but I didnt want to ask incase he changed his mind.

I went to Annes bedroom ( wich now had an extra sleeping bag for shirley)
and I got changed into my comfortable chlothes.

I picked up my bag with my important things, said goodbye to Raven and Shirley and left the house.

The soft breeze and the fresh air made me feel alot less tired. The clinic was only a 5 minute walk away so I was there before Anne's appointment was over.

"Got an appointment ma'am?" The secretary asked from behind the counter.

"No, I am waiting for my friend Anne Hyders."

The woman typed Anne's name in the laptop and she turned to me. "Okay ma'am she is in room B please wait for her in the waiting room.

I go to the waiting room and sit down.
I take out my book "the silver sword".
I read it quietly until this doctor comes to the sitting room and starts talking to the secretary.

"How are you Dr Mortarez?" The secretary asks.

My ears prick. Mortarez? Thats James' last name. Maybe he's related to James?

I keep my eyes on the book but I keep my ears out listening to the conversation.

"Im ok Daniela. Could you get me a coffee?"

"Sure, ill send in an order for coffee. It will be sent to your office. Herd anything from your son?"

Dr Mortarez shakes his head.

"Havent herd anything from James in years now.. Probably still with that Chuck man."

My eyes widen behind the book.
I knew James was gay but I didnt know he use to be with Chuck.. Anne's adoptive father.

Suddenly Dr Mortarez turns and he spots me.

My eyes where glued to the book and back to normal. I dont think he noticed I was eavesdropping.

He examins my knee.

"Hey ma'am." He tells me.

I look at him.

"Hello Doctor."

"Your knee seems a bit.. off... would you mind coming to my office so I can examine it?"

I was unsure about going into a doctors office and just getting my knee examined but I told him yes.
I mean its not like he was gonna hurt me.

I went into the office and he makes me sit down. My mind was flooding with taughts. This person did look an awful lot like an older version of James.

He examins it with a confuaed expression.

"What happened?!"

The damage seemed to show alot apperantly.

"I was at a basketball game against another team and they got a little rough and knocked me over." I lied.

He nodded and put a sort of bandage around my knee.

"Keep that on all the time except when you are asleep."

I nod listening to all instructions.

"I just need one more thing." Before I could ask what i felt a slight sting in my shoulder. He had taken a sample of my blood.

I was terrified. Why did he do that?
Did he know?

"Okay you may leave now." He tell me.

I walk out of the office with my heart pounding. Anne was waiflting for me.

"Where where you?" She asked.
"A doctor wanted to check on my knee but its all good." I lied.

"Okay lets go home then." She tells me.

Anne half limps home while I helped her walk.

When we arrived we saw a note on the door.

"Taking shirley out for ice cream and she seemed pretty excited about it"

Anne groans.
"I forgot my keys..."

"Its ok ill just call Shirley." I tell Anne

I call Shirley and she picks up

"Hiya Shirley"
"Hi Jess, how are you?"
"Im good. Can I talk to Raven please?"
There was a bit of shuffling and then I herd Ravens voice.

"Hello?" He said
"Hi, uh we have a bit of a problem here. Can you help?" I ask
"Sure what do you need?"He asks
"Anne forgot her keys."I tell him
"Ok I know what to do but I have never done it so bear with me."He tells me

Suddenly the keys fall ontop of Anne's head.
Anne rubs her head and I pick thr keys up.
"Did it work?"he asks
"Yep thanks Raven!" I reply

We both enter the house and Anne went to get some rest but deep down I was afraid and I didnt know what was gonna happen. Will he take me to an aquarium museum? Or will he experiment on me?

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