The Wrong Time to Break Time.

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I turn around and there are 3 dogs growling at me. They come towards me. One of them stands on Lukas protectively.

"I -i wont hurt him.." I stammer to the dog. I felt slightly stupid. Could the dog understand me?

The biggest dog stares at me,he doesnt growl at me at all but he does bark. I suddenly realuse they where made of dark magic and a chill goes down my spine. The biggest dog  comes and licks my face. It burns me but the dog doesnt seem to want to hurt me. Infact it wags its tail and looks at me happily. I look back at Lukas. The dog is now laying on top of him. The smallest dog was growling and barking from behind the bigger dog. The biggest dog licks me again.

  I felt the urge not to move at all. I just felt frozen even though I had control over myself. Nobody was controlling me.. No Jess you are in control. The wolf that was laying down on Lukas stands on top of him and growls at me. The biggest wolf, wich was a big black wolf seemed to want to play. The dog picks a stick up and hands it to me , signalling me to throw it. I suddenly notice that his eyes are grey wich where rare on a black dog. He looks at me expecting me to throw the stick. I didnt want to argue with a dog made of dark magic even though I was worried about Lukas. I throw the stick as hard as I could.

The dog chases after the stick, smoke behind him as he runs.  The dog returns with the stick and licks my face again. Suddenly Lukas growls loudly. It sounded like a wolf growl. I look back at Lukas. His grey eyes look at me, the same grey eyes that the balck dog has.
Suddenly the dogs fade away just like that... gone... Lukas looks around frightened. I was still staring at the place where the black wolf was.

"J-jess?" Lukas stammers.
I turn around facing Lukas.

"Lukas?" I say
Lukas is staring at me wih no emotion in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask
Lukas has no wounds whatsoever.

"I-I think so" he replies still looking at me emotionless.

"You sure?... you seem so blanked out..." I say

"Yes... what do you mean by blanked out?" He asks.
"Like, you dont know whats going on." I explain

He still shows no emotions.

" I dont" he says. " what happened?"

"You dont remember?" I ask

"I dont remember.." he says

"Raven attacked you." I explain

"They are coming for me" he whispers softly to himself.

"Um Jess." Lukas says.


"I cant help but feel the awful energy. Where are we and what are we doing here?" He asks.

" I dont know.. are we still in the past?" I ask

"I -I dont know." He says.

All the emotions comes back to his face.

"Jess..... shit.... We're  stuck in time. I broke the time the exact moment Raven did too."

Suddenly we are infront of a lit campfire and Anne is there. Lukas looks at Anne.

"We are experiencing a memory." He tells me.

I couldnt help but feel scared. For some reason.

"This is a good memory." He continues as if somebody is giving him the information.

Brandon starts walking towards Anne.

"Wait... what the fuck is this prick doing here?"

I  frowned slightly.. wasnt Brandon dead.

Outcast Angelfish (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang