Chapter 7.

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Milos first 2 months at the castle flew by. He was outstripping everyone's expectations of him, even his fathers who, Milo had found, had high expectations of everything, he was excelling at offensive and defensive magics especially. There wasn't a spell he was given that he couldn't do after the first try and he was loving his new life, there were sometimes when he would be shocked at how different things were, but then he brushed the Dursley's aside, when he was stronger he would return the pain they had caused him. Much to the Dark Lord's delight, Milo had begun to get used to acting like the Prince, he wasn't there yet, but he was gaining confidence in himself, unfortunately, or fortunately however you decided to look at it, with the new confidence Milo became even more outspoken and the Dark Lord had to forcefully hold back multiple laughs at the blunt statements often coming from his son's mouth. Milo was surprised when the elite moved back in, Rabastan and Rodolphus were brilliant duellist and quite mischievous, they offered to teach him duelling when he was older which Milo was excited about, Bella mothered him, not that Milo was complaining, she was always doting on him and was singing his praises after his performances in her class, Barty was Milos pseudo brother, when Milo wasn't learning or reading he was with the young death eater who loved to teach Milo anything the boy asked which included a number of amusing charms.

"Come on my Prince, you should be able to do this by now." Bella said to him and Milo growled under his breath, they were learning how to control how much power he put in to a spell but it was hard.

"I know Bella, but why would I want to control how much I freeze someone, if I want them frozen I don't want them moving again obviously." Milo snapped jabbing his wand again blasting back the dummy they were practicing on, his father had moved the offensive and defensive lessons to the duelling room.

"Because you don't freeze them you blast them away."

"It stops them moving doesn't it?" he snarled, but took a deep breath, he needed to calm down and get this right, he wouldn't be able to advance to more difficult spells if he didn't control his magic. Milo closed his eyes and thought of the dummy being frozen for a couple of seconds and incanted the spell, he felt his magic react and grinned when the dummy froze for 20 seconds before coming back to life.

"Congratulations my Prince," He nodded and continued to practice until he could do it instantly, it didn't take long and he was dismissed, he immediately went to find his father who was working in his study.

"You are not due to be finished with Bella for another half an hour." He commented not looking up, Milo sat down where Nagini immediately draped herself over his lap demanding to be smoothed.

"Finished early because I managed to control blasting the dummies back, pointless if you ask me, but there we go." His father chuckled at his annoyed tone.

"The point is when you advance to higher level magic you will to control the amount of power you put in a spell because they use more magic, if you begin learning to duel you will need as much magic in your reserves as possible." Tom explained and Milo  nodded with a sigh.

"I know,"

"I have decided to introduce you to my death eaters the day after your birthday." Milo blinked at the change of topic and then nodded slightly nervously.

"Ok, but that's in like a month."

"Yes and I feel you are ready to be announced properly, which means I will be teaching each day for an hour to make sure."

"Alright, when do I start?" The Dark Lord still marvelled at how easy going his son was, most children in that situation would either constantly complain or whine about things, but Milo did neither he was proud of his son already.

"We begin tonight after dinner," Milo cast a tempus, something Barty had taught him after he constantly asked for the time, and grinned; he had an hour until dinner.

"Yes you can do as you please until dinner, no practicing magic you haven't done before and no reading the books on the top shelves of the library, do not think I didn't notice the levitation charm you used last time." Milo smirked unashamed, he was curious to see what was on the very top shelves so he levitated them down, they were the darkest of arts something that his father refused to talk about until he was at least 8 and was banned from learning until 10, Harry was only allowed to read the basic Dark Arts books currently and was forbidden from practicing them yet.

"I was only curious,"

"Curiosity killed the cat,"

"And I am a snake," Milo returned and laughed when he was waved away, it was true the he was turning out to be the perfect Slytherin, he was amazing at slinking about unnoticed and he was already learning to talk his way out of everything. He did end up in the library reading some offensive spells, he wanted to try a few but didn't as per his fathers orders. Barty joined him soon and the death eater engaged him a talk of Quidditch, the magical sport interested Milo and he couldn't wait to fly but his father flat out refused to even allow him on a toy broomstick.

"I'll soon convince dad to let me fly, there's only so many times he can say no to this face." Milo gave his best innocently begging face which seemed to work on everyone, including his father even if he wouldn't admit it, and Barty laughed.

"Hopefully soon, I think you would be great in the air." Milo nodded with a grin, the pair continued to chat until it was time for dinner. Milo was slightly weary when he followed his father to the meeting room, the man looked at his son who had changed quite a bit in the 2 months, he had a more confident air about him and he had gained back the weight he had lost at the muggles hands.

"The meeting will begin around 6 and nearly all death eaters will be in attendance, you will be dressing in your best robes and cloak waiting in the side room." Milo nodded.

"When I announce you, you will walk out and stand before the death eaters proudly like I have taught you." Milo pulled himself in to the elegant stance he had been taught, he had also been watching how his father stood and walked to learn better.

"Good, you have improved greatly," His father told him and Milo smiled.

"Remember to keep your face blank and to sit correctly." Milo walked up to his throne with grace unseen in someone so young, he sat straight back and proud in a way which made it so he was looking down on the place where the death eaters would stand.

"Perfect my son, you are becoming the perfect Prince."

"Thanks, I'm getting used to it now, but it's still strange." Milo frowned relaxing back when he felt his father shift in to his dad.

"I am honestly impressed that you have taking everything in as well as you have, I didn't believe you would be ready to face the death eaters until Christmas at the earliest." Milo beamed.

"I am glad I've learned quickly, I always have really."

"Come, I have no doubt you will be fine, we will sort your robes out and practice speech over the next few weeks."

"What's up with my speech, I can talk fine." Milo said indignantly and the Dark Lord chuckled.

"I am not denying your speech is perfectly acceptable for everyday use. But you are not to abbreviate or switch words, the sentence you just spoke is correctly said 'I can speak well'." Milo groaned.

"Ugh fine," He muttered, "Its etiquette for the voice box." He slumped up to his room to his father's soft laughter.

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