First Appointment

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Today is Alex's first official prenatal doctors appointment, and while she knows its nothing crazy, she still is nervous. Once she told Kara about the appointment, she insisted on coming with Alex. At first Alex was a little hesitant, but now she is thankful Kara came along. Currently, her knee bounces up and down like crazy. Kara is holding her hand because if she doesn't, Alex won't have any cuticles left. Due to it being the first appointment on a Wednesday morning, the waiting room is empty. Even the TV, that is normally on some boring channel is turned off.

"Are you excited?" Kara asks Alex trying to fill the silent void that is the waiting room.
Alex shrugs, "this appointment is standard procedure really. Just a lot of testing, taking my blood, stuff like that. You can't even really see the baby, it's going to be a small dot."
"Yeah but still you're going to see it. Like actually see it. Do you know how amazing this is?"
"Alexandra Danvers," the nurse calls. Kara and Alex follow the nurse into an examination room.

"Please up this rob on then lay on the table with the blanket covering your lower half. The doctor will be with you in minute."

Kara is texting Lena on her phone, when she looks up she sees Alex undressing. Kara squeals and turns around, "Alex!"
Alex stops and looks up at Kara, "what it's nothing you haven't seen before I mean we did live in the same room for five years."
"Still I'd rather not see my sister constantly naked, thank you very much." Kara crosses her arms on her chest as she blushes from embarrassment.

"Alright I'm done. You can turn around now." Kara turns and walks to the bed so she is standing by Alex's head.

"Good morning I'm Doctor Nicole Turner, how are you ladies doing this morning."
"Well I can't have caffine anymore so it kinda sucks." Alex says as Kara smacks her shoulder and gives her a glare.

"What Alex really means is she is happy to be here."
Dr. Turner laughs, "yeah her response isn't uncommon. Is this your first pregnancy?"

"And who is this young lady to your left?"
Alex points to Kara, "oh this is my sister Kara. She insisted on coming with me."

"It's always good to have a support system. Is there a significant other?"
Alex shakes her head, "no."
"Alrighty then, why don't we get started. Today is probably going to be your longest appointment. We're going to go through your medical history and do a bunch of tests involving both blood and urine. First though I'd like to do the physical exams and get the sonogram out of the way. From experience, woman dread this part the most so I like to get it out of the way."
"By all means." Alex says as Dr. Turner begins. Once she finishes the pelvic exam, she wheels over the sonogram machine, "now because you are early in your pregnancy, we are going to have do a Transvaginal ultrasound." Dr. Turner grabs the wand and pours some gel over it. Kara's face immediately turns pale as she tightens her grip no Alex's hand.
Kara points to the wand, "that thing is going up your..."
"Vagina yes Kara. It's not that bad just a bit uncomfortable."

Dr. Turner turns towards Alex, "have you had one of these done before?"
"No but during my time in med school I had a rotation in the maternity ward and had to such it on some patients."

"Are you a doctor?" Dr. Turner asks as she inserts with wand.
Alex straightens up at the intrusion, "uh no I left at the end of my fourth year. I got a better offer. I'm an agent with the FBI so I get to work in the lab and in the field. Well use to."
Dr. Turner moves with wand around until the picture becomes clear, "okay here is your baby. As you can see the baby is really small, about the size of a blueberry. As you know on your next visit the image will be a lot clearer.

"Wow that it? That's crazy tiny." Kara says as she squints to the screen. She has made a conscious effort not to use her x-ray vision anymore to check on the baby. Alex has told her she doesn't want to find out the baby's gender so Kara cannot know either.

"Yup that's it. I'll print out a couple copies for you. Then I'll need you to get dressed so we can do the blood sample, urine sample. I'll give you a few minutes to change."

Once the appointment was over, Alex and Kara made their way to Noonan's for breakfast.
"When are you going to tell Eliza?" Kara asks between bites.

Alex tenses a bit, "I'm going to wait until my first trimester is over just so I can be on the safe side. I'd rather not tell people then something happen."
Kara stops chewing, "Alex nothing is going to happen."
"You never know Kara. Miscarriages happen all the time. I know the chances are slim but I'd still rather not get everyone's hopes up."
"Okay if that's what you want to do. Let's talk about something else, oh I know do you want to binge watch Buffy today?"
Alex winces at her awful tasting decaf coffee, "yeah if you want. I just have to start looking for another place to live. Ya know one with a door for my bedroom and one for the baby."

Kara's eyes light up, "yes sister night!"

To Be Continued....

Spoiler: Maggie is appearing soon!!!!!

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