Better Late Than Never

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Today was a good day for Alex; she woke up at her normal time for the first time weeks. While she felt nauseous but didn't throw up, which is an improvement. She's in her 14th week, officially into her second trimester. As she was changing, she noticed a slight curve to her stomach. She is starting to show! She smiled happily as she ran her hand across it. Once she got dressed, she had an odd craving for a cinnamon roll for breakfast. She got her shoes on and headed towards Noonan's, taking the scenic route through the park. The park is on of her favorite spots in the city. There are always so many things going on from little league games, to concerts, people strolling around with families and friends, playing on the playground or eating a picnic by the pond. Alex was imaging what it would be like for her and her baby to be here when an excited puppy ran up to her, knocking her over. The puppy jumps on top of Alex and begins licking her.

"Woah easy there," Alex says trying to calm the puppy.
"GERTIE!" Someone yells causing Alex to tense up. Alex can pin point that voice from anywhere. A voice she hasn't heard in a long time but wishes she could.
"GERTIE GET BACK HERE!" The voice calls once more but the puppy refuses to listen, content with sitting on Alex's lap receiving pets. Alex looks to where the voice was coming from to see none other than Maggie herself. What she wasn't expecting was to see is Maggie crutching along with a large knee brace taking up most of her left leg.

"Maggie?" Alex manages to get out after opening and closing her mouth several times. Maggie looks just as beautiful if not more so. Her hair is a little longer but her skin is as flawless as ever.

"Alex?" Maggie says as she manages to crutch up next to her. They stare at each other for a while before Gertie interrupts then by licking Alex.

"I'm guessing this is your dog." Alex chuckles as the puppy continues to lick her.

Maggie rubs the back of her neck, "uh yeah I found her abandoned on the side of the highway in Metropolis. She didn't have any collar or chip and refused to leave my side. Besides she is really cute."
"Yeah you are, aren't you Gertie."
Maggie blushes at the name and at how awkward this is, "so you named her Gertie?"

Alex looks up to Maggie, "any chance it's short for Gertrude."
Maggie nods once more and Alex has to hold back the tears that threaten to poor over. She wants to ask why but feels it may be a touchy subject. Clearing her throat Alex asks, "I'm heading to Noonan's if you're hungry?"
Maggie hesitates for a moment staring into Alex's gorgeous brown eyes, "yea sure breakfast sounds nice, but we're going to have to walk slow."
Alex gets off the ground and holds Gertie's leash as the two make their way.

"Speaking of, how did you get hurt?"

"I was running after a guy after one of my rookie detectives let him loose and some guy in a scooter wasn't looking where he was going. I tore a bunch of ligaments and stuff in my knee. I had surgery a couple weeks ago and this the first time I'm actually able to get out of my apartment."
"From the looks of it Gertie must have been going crazy too."

Maggie laughs, a sound Alex hasn't heard in years. A sound she absolutely missed.
"Yeah well we've been here for a couple hours so she can run off all her pent up energy."
It was quiet the rest of the walk there. They sit outside so they don't have to tie Gertie to a tree.

"So you named her Gertie?" Alex asked cautiously.

"Yeah. I tried to think of another name but Gertie kept popping up in my head. I tried a bunch of names but she would only respond to that one so it stuck. I know you wanted to name your dog that I'm sorry."
"Hey there is no need to say sorry. You can name your dog anything you want. I'm just surprised considering how much you hated the name."
The waitress came over, "Hi my name is Amy and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with a drink?"
"I'll take an Americano please," Maggie orders. Alex makes note her usual hasn't changed.

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