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Jins Pov.

Aaahhh... Just another day at Bultaoruene High. Not like I care.

I stroll down through the school halls, heading towards my locker when all of a sudden, the girls and boys start shouting out of excitement and joy.

And if you're wondering, no. They're not fangirling/fanboying over me. I know I've got looks to die for but its not something OTHER omegas would appreciate.

With this world wide handsome face, I've got alphas and betas begging me. Each of them saying the same pathetic excuses over and over again. "Wassup Jin. Why don't you be a good omega and help me solve this problem I've got.... In my pants".

Like I said. Pathetic.

I've got no problem with my status but when you got douche bags surrounding you left, right and centre... You can't help but feel slightly underestimated...

All the non-omegas out there think they can push you around and do their bidding just because they're ranked higher than you.

But not this omega.

I don't give a fuck about them.

Torment me all they want. I've got a brain and a mouth and I know how to put them to use. Instead of flirting to all the alphas and betas in this school, I just defend myself. And with sass!

Why?? Its to tell them that I'm fed up of their shit and I'm not gonna let them push me around just because of my status.

I am Kim Seokjin. 15 years of age, soon to be 16 in a couple of months. The moment I reach that age, I'll be able to tell which one of these horny dicks is my mate. I'm an omega but that does not mean I'll be respecting those pricks anytime soon.

After getting through the sea of hormonal omegas who are desperately trying to obviously seduce that poor alpha (whoever he may be), I finally made it to my locker.

I opened it to take my required items for my first class only to notice something odd.

The school was oddly...


Lord bless whoever made this possible. I quickly grabbed my things and proceeded to go to class when my locker was shut with a loud BANG!

I didn't close it.

This stranger resembling a rather muscular bunny did it for me.

I saw bunny boy display a smirk on his face and that's when I knew who this prick was.

He's a goddamn ALPHA!

Just by looking at him, you'd know. He gave off that "leader" vibe and I refuse to notice the chills running up and down my spine as he starts to come closer to me.

Shit. This isn't good.

"Well hello there. I'm Jeon Jungkook and I just had to say... You've got a nice ass".

This bitch did not just talk about my ass.




I cocked an eyebrow then turned away from him and started walking away to class, earning gasps, whispers and disapproving looks from everyone.

"Hey!" bunny boy shouted.

Irritated, I returned my gaze to him.


I saw him take quick, long steps to get to me. It only took about five seconds for this ALPHA to stand directly in front of my face.

"I just commented. COMMENTED!!! ABOUT YOUR ASS!!! AND YOU JUST IGNORE ME??!!!". He was shouting. I swear, who knew someone looking like a harmless bunny would have such a loud voice?!!! But then again.. He's an alpha. What the fuck did I expect??

"Listen, I don't give two shits if you're an alpha or not , so stop bothering me and leave me alone !". I shouted.

I could see him get easily irritated, knowing that my little outburst must have shook him. I decided to head back to class since the bell was about to ring and I didn't want to be late.

"Stop!" he said. Great. Just when I thought I was free.

"No!" I replied and continued to walk away.


You see that? I made this alpha pissed.

"I am a fucking alpha and you will do whatever the fuck I say because you will never be more than the pathetic omega you are!"

Did.... Did he just....?

Alright. You wanna bring status into this?? Imma show you, you ungrateful shit!!! You useless excuse of an alpha!!!

"Oh yeah?? Well guess what. I ain't your omega, BITCH!"

And with that, I left.

I hope I never run into him again. But I guess that's just the same as calling me ugly so its impossible.

What a crazy way to start my day.

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How was that?
Many thanks to for the inspiration.

You should check out her books, coz they are lit!

Anyways... Vote, Comment, Share coz it would really make my day.

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