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I'm starting to notice I have certain obsessive tendencies

Like when I think about playing my bass, and the idea won't get out of my head until I get up and play

Or when I think of writing chapters in this shitey book and I have to write it down no matter the time ( it being 5:13am at the moment)

Or when I need to work or draw but I'm stuck in this bubble of procrastination that puts on a front of indifference when really I'm panicking

Or when I'm trying to sleep but I want to read instead, so I give in because if I don't I know I won't sleep anyway

Or when I have to get out of bed in the morning but facing the day sounds so hard that I just lay like a log

or when

my crappy, existential thoughts dumpOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz