all the books ive started writing

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(i genuinely have all of these part-written for some reason, cause the idea pops into my head and i immediately have to write it down)

-some basic ass deamus shit (10,000 w0rds)

-about 30,000 words of pansmione where they become animagi

-pansyxginny 7th year where they get fuckin smashed and then smash (10,000 w0rds)

-a pansmione coffee shop au (2,000 w0rds)

-the start of a slash fic about 2 bois who go to the park at midnight and meet and then uwu (1,000 w0rds)

-a book a bout a lil gril who harmonises with her obscurus and lives on the str33ts (2,000 w0rds)

-a cute ass healer au oneshot where instead of being braindead and wasting his time, harry trains to be a healer from 3rd year (5,000 w0rds)

-the start of a ddrarry story where draco becomes a therapist (200 w0rds)

-another drarry creature inheritance book where harry gets a super duper early inheritance (10,000 w0rds)

-a linny story where luna is gifted with an affinity to nature by the forests and its rl cute n i love it (3,000 w0rds)

a femslash werewolf thingy where they both rogues and its rl cute and i lov it (10,000 q0rds)

-a drarry oneshot where draco gives harry a big ol smuuch then immediately commits suicide (1,000 w0rds)

-the start of a harry au where the 'undesirable' creatures take harry in as their own and he can speak to em so he has lil spider friends in his cupboard and its rl cute and i love it (200 w0rds)

i have all of these in word docs on my cputer and i havent done anything with em hh

my crappy, existential thoughts dumpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora