look at me socialising with humans go me woo (harry potter band au)

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this is a thread between me and CharlieEmAlO on a wattpon a club forum called "HARRY POTTER FANDOM UNITE!" and i love it very much so i'm archiving it here. all things contributed by CharliEmAlO are in bold

what if a bunch of characters started a band?

okay, my question is, what instruments do you think the characters would play? like, based on their personalities, what do you think would suit them?

i think luna would be a wicked drummer. i've met my fair share of drummers and all the best ones are so weird. i reckon luna would resonate with the art, creating intoxicating, complex rhythms and just completely zoning out and going wild in the background.

i think hermione is the sort of person to be a multi-instrumentalist where she knows a bit of this and a bit of that, and if you leave her alone with something for fifteen minutes she'll have worked out how to play a tune with it (like me, lol). she would start out classical, her parents paying for piano or violin lessons, and she'd move from violin to cello to double bass, then bass guitar. and she'd be a brilliant bassist, getting all of the techniques down to a T and being perfectly content sitting near luna on the drums and just grooving to the calm bass vibes.

Harry and Ron would both be guitarists, because Ron would want to be the cool front-man, and Harry would pick whatever Ron picked,

Ginny would stun them all by being caught messing around with their guitars one day, writing her own songs and just having this killer voice. She's promoted to lead singer on the spot. Ron is mad, but Harry tells him not to be such an ass.

Fred & George would be their managers, handling all their bookings and promotional materials. They're the best hype men, but also make sure they get all the best deals.

Percy is the one always complaining about the noise, but buys all their albums because he wants to be Supportive Big Brother.

Charlie and Bill are legit their biggest fans, and brag to all their cool friends about them. Fleur just rolls her eyes and compares them to her favourite bands.

Molly would be super supportive, even though she doesn't really 'get it', and makes sure to bring snacks to all their rehearsals. Arthur keeps interrupting because he's fascinated by the muggle technology, like amps.

James and Sirius are rocking out in the after-life, reminiscing about their own band. They're inconsolable when the kids name their band 'The Marauders' in their honour.

Lily gives James crap about Harry being more talented than him. James pouts for days.

i just thought about the band being luna on drums, hermione on bass, harry and ron on guitar and ginny singing and it's actually even more perfect in terms of band culture

in all of the bands i've been in and seen other people in, the following always occurs:

rhythm (bass and drums) are really chill and just want to play music, bass ends up being peacekeeper

treble (singers, guitarists, piano) always have beef going on. whether its lighthearted or serious they're always the ones in the thick of the fight

half the time there's romance between a guitarist and the singer

it just works really well

Snape tries to have it all shut down, because dear Merlin he is NOT living through a second generation of this nonsense.

Dumbledore ignores him, and joins them at their next rehearsal with a giant harp.

McGonnagall insists it's part of her role to be supportive of all of her students and their extra-curricular activities. She plays their music in her office when she thinks no-one's listening.

they see her in the crowd wearing a band t-shirt at one of their gigs and she never hears the end of it.

Colin Creevey is their official band photographer.

extras out of the band-

neville plays clarinet because his gran forced him to take lessons when he was 9

draco says he only plays the piano because his mother insisted he learned a sophisticated instrument, but he secretly loves playing classical music and loves the feeling of pressing the keys down

pansy has a beat up electric guitar hidden under her bed because her parents would not approve of it but it makes her feel badass when she plays

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