brown haired girl

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That brown haired girl

That strange being

What are her

Intentions? I've been

Trained to see the worst in people

But I can't help

But feel


To her


That brown eyed girl

I think she is one I can

Trust; she has never given

Me a reason not to

And I can't help but

Feel a pull

When I look at that

Brown eyed girl

And her long

Brown hair


That brown haired girl

Makes me question

My very core

Am I who I think

I am? Or

Is she exposing a new truth to me

That I've been forced

Into overlooking

I think I like girls

But I could


Like that dimpled girl

With her brown


And brown eyes


That dimpled girl

I've never seen such

A smile

It isn't


For me to feel so happy when

I feel the glow of

That carefree grin

But everything


That girl

Makes me weak at the knees

She confides

In me; she tells me

Her interests, her


She asks me if I hold

Any interest

But I could never

Tell truth

Because she would never look at me the same

I'm falling for

my crappy, existential thoughts dumpWhere stories live. Discover now